
Showing posts from November, 2020

Everlane Combat Boots - Monday Favorite Things

  Tis The Season to be Merry The jolliest time of the year is upon us.  Let the shopping and merriment commence.  Of course, this  HO HO HO holiday will be unlike seasons past and instead will include the necessary precautions.  However, we can still enjoy the festivities with a new spin.  Our plans will be the opposite of last year, yet the joy of giving will remain intact.  In a way, it reminds me of Cindy Lou Who from the story, cartoon, and movie, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (2000) .   All the Who's down in Whoville were merrily singing on Christmas Day without ribbons, packages, boxes, and tags.  They were happy without the usual trappings of the holiday.  The Who's knew the importance of the holiday does not come from a store.  It comes from the heart.   The Grinch's heart grew three times this day.  The Grinch came down the mountain top and delivered the stolen gifts with a greater heart and an underst...

Inspiration - A Weekly Lift

  The Bridge Thanksgiving is this week.  Celebrations might be different this year with a smaller group, yet spreading goodwill remains constant.   Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pie and all the fixings will be set out on the table with a simple reminder.  We are thankful to live in this country.  We are thankful for our family and friends.  We are thankful for our existence.  We are thankful for our homes.   There is so much to be thankful in 2020.  Yes, there is.  Is it a tumultuous year?  Yes, absolutely one of extreme lifestyle change, tragedy for many and a shift for all to think about what is important in your own life.   What is important to you?  Is it being connected? Is it nature? Is it helping others or sharing yourself when needed?   I think this year is one of growth, challenge, perseverance, acceptance, and change.  We are crossing a bridge this season.  A bridge of hope...

Midweek Favorite Things - Kindness, Empathy & Scarves

  What I Love This Week? Cashmere Scarves      First - Thoughts It is the middle of November and much has transpired in the last few weeks. The holidays loom in front of us and are bound to be different.   Another shut down is upon us as the number of Covid cases are skyrocketing in our area and perhaps in yours.  As an avid tennis player, who took great precautions.  I am stunned upon hearing how many of the clubs in my neck of the woods have had outbreaks.  Of course,  it makes sense, when the weather turns, people of all ages, come inside.   My main concern now is for the sick to get well quickly.  And those who are not sick, to follow the measures laid out to prevent further breakouts and create a peace of mind.   We cannot continue with the notion that it will never affect me, nor will I ever change my scheduled plans or actions because others are getting sick.  For instance, at the grocery store yester...

Inspiration - A Weekly Lift

  Lakes of Beauty Build an Oasis of Love Many are sighing with relief.  Now is the time to unite and heal the country.  Be open, be present and accept what comes. Would it not be wonderful to unite a fractured society where hate and anger were and still are at an all-time high.  Is it not time to start accepting one another, to listen to one another, and to support one another? Rather than throw stones at those with opposite thoughts or opinions.  It has been interesting and sad to witness such vitriol, destruction, and chaos this past year and hence.  Perchance rhetoric going forward will be filled with kindness for their fellow man.  One can only pray for sunshine to fill souls.  Thus, we begin again.  For now, notice the beauty around us.   The fall and winter to come are filled with peaceful moments when walking on your favorite trail.  Beauty surrounds us if we look.  The leaves, the wildlife, the rain, the lakes, the...

Midweek Favorite Things - Pom Pom Hats

Baby It's Cold Outside "Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience." Ralph Waldo Emerson The damp, dreary, wet and snow filled days are upon us for the upcoming months.   The change in the air is palpable along with early darkness falling across the land.   2020 has indeed been the craziest year for everyone with the horror of Covid, lockdowns and a roller coaster election.   After a nail-biting, hair-pulling, stress filled election this week with no clear resolution, it is best to remain steady and calm.   Life is indeed a wild ride with ups and downs, twists and turns.  You would not want your life to be dull, would you?  This year, more than any other year, in my lifetime, 2020 is one of complete societal pandemonium.  If someone had told me on New Year's Eve, that everyone's life in 2020 would be completely turned upside down, we would have looked at them and thought they were off their rocker.  Or maybe had imbibed a...