Ankle Pants: Tired of Jeans???
The Professional Touch Wins Professional VERSUS Weekend Glamour YOU DECIDE Are you going out with friends for a special night? Or having to present in front of a group or maybe you just want to appear polished? Jeans are fantastic, versatile and comfortable yet do not always garner instant respect or come off as professional. A pair of black ankle pants combined with a colorful blouse provides an instant tailored ensemble that is memorable. I can hear some of you reading this, "It doesn't matter what I wear, it really doesn't. Seriously. I just want to look like everyone else" However, newsflash, what you wear, how you hold yourself, how you speak conveys who you are. Are you self confident? Do you respect others? Do you respect the event? Are you a leader? Or are you a follower? Do you just conform and copy everyone else? Or do you follow the road less traveled? Do...