
Showing posts from January, 2021

Perfume Spritz - My Favorite Things

  Beauty in a Bottle "Perfume heralds a woman's arrival and prolongs her departure." Beauty is hard to describe.  The very essence of what is beautiful varies from person to person, culture to culture and land to land.  Perfume is similar to the idea of beauty. It is subjective.  Perfume is a mystery, and its elixir is a marvel. The scent becomes its own magic.  It is the lingering scent that creates a moment or recreates a memory of a person.  Whether it is spice, floral or warm notes of lavender or vanilla, a scent can bring immense comfort and pleasure.  What does stand the test of time is a signature perfume.  Perfume was created in 1340 for the Queen of Hungary.  Thus, the story of fragrances commenced.  Perfume remains at the top of everyone's list of "feeling good."  Additionally, perfume sales in 2020 were close to $34B.   We all have experienced being around someone who smells divine.  The scent is memorable ...

Inauguration Day 2021

  New Day, New Dawn, A New Life Today is a new day.  A new beginning.  A fresh start.  We stand as a country that has seen immense tragedy over COVID-19 and other horrific affairs that have left profound scars.  We pray for those that have lost loved ones from the virus, those in pain, and those who have lost their livelihoods.  Though the well of sadness has been deep, we continue to carry on.  We remain strong, resilient, proud and above all else - American.  Now is the time to come together.  A time to bring forth unity.  A time to love.  A time to heal.  It is easy to hate, to speak ill of others, to laugh, to make fun of, to criticize, to pontificate, to be righteous, to destroy and the list goes on.  It is easy to say what we do not like, who we do not like, and yet it is much harder to embrace and move forward with grace.  It is harder to like, love, and yes harder to forgive.  We must in order to evolve ...

Lululemon - My Favorite Things

  Dressing for Success        "Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman" Coco Chanel On a wintery day in the Pacific Northwest, I thought I would write about my favorite athletic wear - Lululemon .   I wear Lululemon   365 days a year.  Yes, I do!  Why you ask? Because the apparel is created of the highest quality fabrics, in an array of beautiful colors, styles and designs, super comfortable and made of dry-fit or sweat-wicking material.  They never pill, washes well, and keeps for years. Furthermore, these numbers remind me daily to work out and get moving! More importantly, Lululemon makes you look and feel great.  As Billy Crystal once said on SNL, "It is more important to look good than to feel good. "You look marvelous."   My Daily Routine    "The joy of dressing is an art." John Galliano When I wake up in the morning, I slip into a pair of Lululem...

Over the Knee Boots - Monday Favorite Things

  New Day, New Dawn, New Life "Give a girl the right set of boots, shoes, and she can conquer the world." - Marilyn Monroe January 2021 is here.  Yes. We have patiently waited, been thoughtful, diligent and now the year is upon us.  Wishing happiness to all of you as we battle on.  The end is nearing for the virus, which brings smiles to everyone.  It is an exciting time with revitalized energy coursing through our veins.  An era of promise hope and  much more.  Get ready to soar, achieve your dreams and spread goodwill toward others.  "What good is the warmth of summer with out the chill of winter?" - John Steinbeck Along the path, winter has arrived.  Rain, snow, sleet, and hail in the mix for some and in the future for others.  What I love right now?  Over the knee boots.  A must for the cold days of winter.  Here are my favorites for a winter wonderland of fashion.  Even if you are working from home, there is...