
Showing posts from May, 2019

Spring & Summer Apparel

Flirty Fun "A piece of clothing should be like a work of art." Rosita Missoni Inspiration and creativity are the cornerstone of any great endeavor or idea. I learned in my youth that they are several ways to achieve a goal. If you want the Bogner ski jumpsuit then you need to work.  There wasn't any other path to getting what I wanted.  So I worked during high school making money for what I desired and for college. And, felt fulfilled in achieving my goals. Additionally, many believe that if you always follow the path prescribed then you will achieve the outcome you desire.  For instance, if I get good grades, follow the education system for college dotting all the i's and t's as demanded along the way, I will be very successful.  Is this true?  For many yes, yet others who follow a slightly different path can become extraordinary. Take Bill Gates, who didn't finish college but followed his passion instead.  We all know the outcome. Th...

Summer Hats

Cover Thy Face! "The most beautiful face in the world?  It's your's" Estee Lauder Sunshine, swim suits, shorts, capri's, strappy sandals and white tee shirts are indeed staples of summer fun.  Additionally, a flirty and fabulous hat or two is essential for beauty and protection.  It is important to protect your skin.   Now, I know we all love the sun and the feel of the glorious rays on our skin. We crave it and need it.   However, too long in the sun can have disastrous results that leave us looking like a lobster and overly baked.  More importantly, your skin becomes dry, wrinkled and splotchy.   We all know where this story goes.  Let's be protective and respectful of the sun and our bodies which we live in.   Here is my favorite brand of sun hats for the upcoming dog days of summer.  Eric Javits  High quality, excellent 95% UV/UVA sun protection, packable and naturally stylish. ...