
Showing posts from November, 2015

Winter Essentials for Crisp Cold Days

 Winter Magic Winter is gracing the land with snow, wind, rain and hail. The holidays are here showering the land with images of Norman Rockwel l's famous illustrations anticipating happy times.  There are thoughts of family traditions, visiting love ones, seeing friends, and eating Turkey with all the fixings along with relaxing, laughing and being thankful.  Yet, natures magnificent elements swirl, the world continues to spins and chaos remains paramount bringing prayers and thoughts of peace for all.    As a native of the Northwest, the varied seasons are a blessing and always create magical moments. The crisp cold mornings, the landscape changes and the excitement of the holidays is wondrous for the young and old. And, of course wearing stylish pants, cashmere turtlenecks, toasty scarves and warm apparel is so divine for every fashionista.  Fashion mavens know this is the one season to bedeck themselves in everything fashionable....

Happy Thanksgiving - 2015

Here's to YOU!  Mad Men Style   "Give Thanks"   Give Thanks to your families Give Thanks to your friends Remember Loved One's Passed Give Thanks to the suffering Give Thanks to the those in pain Give Thanks to those who protect us and everyone around the world Give Thanks to what you have and where you live And, May the day be filled with joy and love     Thank you for your readership and friendship.  May the day be beautiful for each and everyone of you. Happy Thanksgiving   "As we express our gratitude we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not utter by words, but to live by them" - President John F. Kennedy  Kim Hardwick - Forever Chic Style