Alexis Bittar - Cat Fever - Spring 2020
"I am Woman, Hear Me Roar!" Panther-that is. Alexis Bittar - Spring 2020 When you hear the phrase "I am woman, hear me roar" one often thinks of a person using their voice or written skills in a loud and obnoxious fashion in today's arena. The actual phrase was from a Helen Reddy song in the 1970's and became the rally mantra for the feminism movement. In our chaotic times, I believe the phrase has gone viral with a twist, "I am woman or man, hear me roar." As we all know we are subjected daily either through social media or the press to bitter exchanges, absent minded comments and self aggrandizing window dressing. Topics such as kindness, respect, grace and dignity have been forgotten and replaced with cruel diatribes. Ironically some might think they appear intelligent with witticisms but in reality viewed as bullies. What does this have to do with the big cat rage for Spring 2020. Why everything? Perhaps if we all