Sorority Rush - Tips, Conversation and What to Wear! Updated for 2014
RUSH Interested in joining a sorority at the college you are attending this year? If so, there is a process that helps one prepare for Rush. First, lets squash what sororities are not and instead focus on what they are for students at college. Second, understand the process. Third, discuss what to talk about and what to wear. Finally, understand that this one opportunity can and will change ones life forever. What Sororities Are NOT! First of all, let's clear the air about sororities. Sororities are a lifelong commitment where a group of intelligent, savvy and amazing young women live together, build lasting lifelong friendships, walk to class together, eat together and watch out for one another when going to school on a large campus. Additionally, let it be known loud and clear, "sorority girls are not Reese Witherspoon's character, El Woods from the movie, Legally Blonde !" Many young ladies work off campus during the school year and sum