June Makeup Favorites & Girlfriend Etiquette

Beauty & Friendship or Friendship & Beauty Makeup, hair, apparel and girlfriends etiquette. What more do women need than each other during the joys and hardships of life. Or course, we love our men without question. Yet, we want our women friends to hold our hands, listen to our woes and help carry the load when we have issues. After all, women love to talk, talk and talk more. Men can only handle only so much chatter and would rather fix the issue than drone on or analyze a situation. Life can be challenging and it takes a village of women to make all the pieces work efficiently. However, just what makes a terrific girlfriend? Here are a few of my tips which I don't always follow but try too. Life is a journey and we are all far from perfect. And, if we were perfect wouldn't the adventure be dull and boorish? Some girlfriends are lifelong and others are for a moment. The truly close women...