
Showing posts from June, 2018

June Makeup Favorites & Girlfriend Etiquette

Beauty & Friendship or Friendship & Beauty Makeup, hair, apparel and girlfriends etiquette.  What more do women need than each other during the joys and hardships of life.  Or course, we love our men without question.  Yet, we want our women friends to hold our hands, listen to our woes and help carry the load when we have issues. After all, women love to talk, talk and talk more.  Men can only handle only so much chatter and would rather fix the issue than drone on or analyze a situation.   Life can be challenging and it takes a village of women to make all the pieces work efficiently.  However, just what makes a terrific girlfriend?   Here are a few of my tips which I don't always follow but try too.  Life is a journey and we are all far from perfect. And, if we were perfect wouldn't the adventure be dull and boorish?  Some girlfriends are lifelong and others are for a moment.  The truly close women...

Summer Hot Pants

Whimsical, Colorful and Exhibiting Bee Power! Are you ready? Do you have your party pants that are lively and filled with mischievous fun?  Or white jeans that signal I am ready for the summer months?  Lately, I noticed that the fashion magazines are a wee bit absent of glorious hues on their slick covers.  I was rather dismayed as they arrived at my house.  Like a bee, I wasn't attracted to the covers and if seen in store I would have passed them by.  Their black and white motifs were rather mundane and similar to forlorn newsprint.  I am thinking perhaps the Editor in Chiefs from the various rags got together and stated let's all have our covers be absent of glorious summery hues.  Yet, why be so morose? Like a bee, I wasn't too keen on perusing these magazines because they were not attractive to the eye.  Seriously, note all the beauty swirling around daily in a kaleidoscope of good and vivid cheer. It is glorious outside with ...

Kate Spade - Rememberance

Spade Style:  Glamorous, Witty, Fun & Unique The world of fashion is heartbroken this week with the loss of Kate Spade, the founder of a quirky, cheery, ultra feminine and incredible brand of apparel and accessories.   I, like many others, were in shock upon hearing about her death. In fact, stunned standing at tennis and reading a text.  I couldn't focus on the conversations around me.  It was baffling.  Yet, we continue on.  Like many women, my closet is full of Kate Spade handbags, day-timers, iPhone covers and so much more.  Yes, she sold her brand in 2006 yet the essence of her style remained forefront and center.  Everyone I know has a something from Kate Spade's collections.  The pieces were and are so uplifting and vibrant.  Thus, it is hard to wrap my head around why she wanted to end her life.  My mother always said, "You never really know what is going on in someone's life.  Nor can you read a...

Summer Jeans

Sunshine, Apple Pie, Beach Parties and Denim!  And, Being Grateful! Summer has arrived.  The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the air is heavy with heat.  It is indeed a well loved time of year.   And, with the glorious yellow orb in the sky comes the time to breakout your favorite summer jeans.   In thinking about jeans, which we universally adore, I am going to add in a few tips on being grateful about ones life choices.  Lately, there seems to be a need to remember that your life journey is special and that others surrounding you are also unique.  Being grateful creates a sense of well being and contentment.  If we stop to smell the roses, sip a glass of wine, maybe pet a cat and just enjoy moments rather than race around from one planned activity to the next then perhaps peace and happiness will ensue.  Do you have a Flat Life:   Every minute, every day and every evening is filled with appointm...