
Showing posts from December, 2019

New Year - A Gift - David Yurman Style

It's a New Year, New Day - and a New Chapter!   Yurman Style That Is! As a another chapter of our lives begin to close, we often take time to reflect on our accomplishments, our choices, our family and friends.  Was the year fruitful? Did we experience life to the fullest?  Were there moments of great joy combined with sadness that happens in the course of a year? Hopefully, yes.   Life is filled with many twists and turns and the unexpected is always at the forefront.  When ones tries to control their own destiny, or heaven forbid others, often disappointment arrives promptly at ones door.   Why? Because you cannot control what is coming whether it is good, bad or indifferent.  You cannot control another persons life nor would you ever want too.  The journey is theirs and not yours.  If you are lonely, then join a club, a board, work or pick up a new hobby.  Many of my wonderful friends have started painting, s...

Gifts of Luxury for Yourself!

Afterwards - More Shopping just for You! Can you say luxury? On Sale too.  Here are some luxe pieces for your 2020 wardrobe.   Don't forget to check out Forever Chic Style's , "Stocking Stuffer's 2019" and "Holiday Gifts - 24 Days - Favorite List"  too.   It might be past the holiday but these numbers are of high quality and must own. LIST BELOW ON SALE  Classic White Blouse - A Must Have Theory Tenia Cotton Blend Blouse The Only Boot for the Elements! Aquatalia Nathalia Water Resistant Knee High Boot The Perfect Soft & Warm Scarf - So Many Hues!  Love Love Mine! Halogen Cashmere Scarf The Absolute Fur Scarf - Buy This Before Gone!!!  Jocelyn Genuine Fox Fur Cowl Jocelyn Genuine Rabbit Fur Infinity Scarf Pop of Color for Winter Days Tory Burch Perry Satchel That is it for now.  More soon.  I will keep looking. Have a ver...

Kindness Movement - Happiest of Holidays

The Most Important Gift of All This Holiday Season: "Kindness" The gifts are wrapped, cookies are baked, holiday meals planned and get together's are organized.  During this season whether you are Christian, Jewish, Muslim or any other religion or belief you partake in - are you a person showing kindness and faith?  I recently began watching The Crown (Netflix), third season, and it is by far the best season to date. The acting is superb, story line is well crafted and overall mesmerizing.  Learning kindness and empathy seems to be at the core of the show.  For instance, Queen Elizabeth has to learn to be kind and to feel the depth of humanity's loss and pain. She must also accept that Princess Margaret, her younger sister, can live wildly, say anything whereas she must be calmer, colder, thoughtful with words and often perceived as dull. After all, she is the Queen and a leader of the Commonwealth. Her strength, fortitude and character must alway...

Stocking Stuffers 2019

The Little Things Matter Most! Do you remember growing up and excited to open your stocking?  There were always little wonders hidden in the sock that was just for you.  The joy of opening a tiny gift only to find out it was the best present of the day.  The delight in watching a child's eyes light up because of a small ball or something funny.   Create wonderment this holiday season.  Here are my little gifts with sparkle, shine and joy. Hand Cream - The Best For The Winter Months - All Year Round Kiehl's Ultimate Strength Hand Salve Ponytail  Scrunchies Holders - Yes - The Best for Any Activity!  Pretty too.   Natasha 3-Pack Scrunchies Daily Planner -   Yes, Smart Phones are Divine - However, having a small daily planner keeps one tip top organized .  Celebrities adore this planner.  Selling out fast.  Crafted in England, 19...

Holiday Gifts - 24 Days - Favorite List

Magical Gifts of Joy! Happy Shopping.  Affiliate links included. December 1st:   Kate Spade Crystal Bangels - Buy a set of three   Love mine especially during the holidays.  Have them in silver and gold.  Kate Spade Crystal Bangels December 2nd:   The Perfect Pom Pom - Kyi Kyi Genuine Fox Pompom Hats - Several Colors.  I love the cream color.  It goes with everything.   Kyi Kyi Genuine Fox Pompom Hats December 3rd: The Ultimate, Functional and Water Resistant Slipper - UGG .  Lots of hues.  Wear mine ever single day at home. UGG Ansley Water Resistant Slipper December 4th - Hand Lotion - Laura Mercier Tres Riche Travel Size:   Exceptional handcream that smells divine.  Put in your handbag, at your desk and in your car. Laura Mercier Tres Riche Travel Size December 5th - Cozy Pajamas - Nordstrom Lingerie Moonlight Paja...