New Year - A Gift - David Yurman Style

It's a New Year, New Day - and a New Chapter!

  Yurman Style That Is!

As a another chapter of our lives begin to close, we often take time to reflect on our accomplishments, our choices, our family and friends.  Was the year fruitful? Did we experience life to the fullest?  Were there moments of great joy combined with sadness that happens in the course of a year? Hopefully, yes.   Life is filled with many twists and turns and the unexpected is always at the forefront.  When ones tries to control their own destiny, or heaven forbid others, often disappointment arrives promptly at ones door.   Why? Because you cannot control what is coming whether it is good, bad or indifferent.  You cannot control another persons life nor would you ever want too.  The journey is theirs and not yours.  If you are lonely, then join a club, a board, work or pick up a new hobby.  Many of my wonderful friends have started painting, sewing, working as hospice caretakers or are masters at entertaining groups.  The options are endless with community and connections abound. Or change your life if you are not where you want to be at this very point.  A new year is coming.   A new day and a new glorious chapter. 

On Christmas Day, we went and saw Jumanji - Welcome to the Jungle.  The movie was entertaining, funny and a great topping to a fine holiday with family.   One of the most important scenes was with Danny Devito at the end of the film.   His character was a grumpy old man in the film with a creative turn of events.  See the movie to enjoy the magical spell.   However, in this scene, he states, "Getting old can be challenging.  But really - getting old is a gift".  "Getting old is a gift a blessing."   Repeat it, "Getting old is a gift".  So don't despair if you are turning another year older.  Be thankful. Love your lines on your face and your body.  Life is simply a marvel.  It is the small things that make one happy.  It is the people you touch on a daily basis, it is how you enter the world everyday.  Do you again reach out to others? Do you connect or just talk about yourself?  Are you a participant?  We know it isn't travel, because you always have to come home.  Travel and vacations are educational, relaxing and fun.  Yet, these fine moments are not your life. They are touch-points.  Your real life is what you have built at home.  Your family, your friendships, your physical home, your life surrounding your daily existence. Many people are "runners" racing too and fro and never sitting still and taking a moment to reflect.  They seem to be not at peace.  Are you at peace?  If your life is not what you want, then why not change it?  And, if you love your life, then you are indeed blessed. Embrace and give thanks.  Another year is a beautiful gift.  Yes, getting older is a indeed magnificent.   Anticipate the best, visualize the best and grasp what is yet to come. 

While you are reflecting on your incredible journey in 2019, why not start with a little bling to represent another glorious year ahead.  David Yurman's exquisite pieces are indeed memorable.  After all, we need to spread beauty in this life.  So, sparkle brightly in the new year of 2020.

Everyday Classic - Diamonds & Pearls

David Yurman Small Pearl Earrings With Diamonds

Yes, 2020 will commence shortly.  Savor, reflect, journal and give thanks for the year of 2019.   Get excited, make new goals, embrace your life and bring in 2020 like a lion.  The best is yet to come.  It is definitely a new year, a new day and a new chapter.  For those who are ill or suffering, may peace and happiness come your way.    Finally may all of us brighten our days with laughter, love, peace, many smiles, kindness and faith.  Are you ready to open your new chapter?  I am and I hope you are too.

Until The New Year 2020!  Be Kind. Be a Light. Be Thoughtful.

Cheers, Kim


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