Midweek Favorite Things - Fall & Winter Makeup

The World of Confidence "Get your game face on!" There are no ugly women, just lazy ones." - Helena Rubinstein, Founder of Helena Rubinstein Incorporated If you are like me, you love to wear makeup no matter what you are doing daily. A dusting of eyeshadow, liner, foundation, eyebrow pencil, mascara and a strong lip always commands attention. In the days of Zoom , MS Teams, the power effect from taking more time with your makeup is essential. After all, it is "lights, camera and action" for many these days when the cameras are on. Do you not want to appear confident, fresh and in control? Yes, it is easy to abstain from applying makeup, in our current land, but are not you worth it to focus on your assets for YOU! I guarantee you will feel better about yourself, self-confident and ready to take on any task. It is fascinating that those who stand out these days are the ones making the effort. It is okay to b...