Midweek Favorite Things - Fall & Winter Makeup


The World of Confidence

"Get your game face on!" 

There are no ugly women, just lazy ones." - 

Helena Rubinstein, Founder of Helena Rubinstein Incorporated

If you are like me, you love to wear makeup no matter what you are doing daily.   A dusting of eyeshadow, liner, foundation, eyebrow pencil, mascara and a strong lip always commands attention.  In the days of Zoom, MS Teams, the power effect from taking more time with your makeup is essential. After all, it is "lights, camera and action" for many these days when the cameras are on.  

Do you not want to appear confident, fresh and in control?   Yes, it is easy to abstain from applying makeup, in our current land, but are not you worth it to focus on your assets for YOU!  I guarantee you will feel better about yourself, self-confident and ready to take on any task. 

It is fascinating that those who stand out these days are the ones making the effort.  It is okay to be a woman and highlight attributes. Truly.  Look at every successful woman in the public eye.  Those succeeding in any venue or opportunity wear makeup.  If you are on the path of success, here are a few favorites for Fall and Winter 2020. 

Favorite Brands

Brows Say It All

"Your eyebrows introduce you before you speak." 

I have tried lots of different eyebrow brands.  I always end up coming back to Dior Diorshow Brow Styler. It is easy to use and creates the best brow.  Comes in six shades.  I like a darker brow and usually purchase either Universal Brown or Universal Dark Brown.

Play Up Eyes - Smokey Eye

"The eyes are the window to the soul."

A beautiful eye to wear with your fall color apparel.  Add a soft lip and presto.  You will look gorgeous. 

See Smooth Skin

"Glowing skin is always in." 

Smooth skin is achievable with the help of foundation.  A light coverage depending on your skin evens out any imperfection.   It is interesting how many women do not wear foundation.  Coverage protects the skin from pollutants and the sun if it contains SPF.  If not, be sure to add one to your regime.  Here is my favorite.  Lots of hues to choose from too. 

Most Important - Tools

"With a good makeup brush, everyone can be an artist."

The makeup tools you use are essential for a effortless finish on your face.  You do not want to overdue makeup and want to look as natural as possible.  Of course, sometimes at night you may where a bit more.  I have found that more mascara does enhance the eyes if you do not have false eyelashes.  Anyway, these are my favorite new application brushes.   Think I will buy a whole set and throw away all my random ones that I own.   Simplicity at your fingertips. 


"Makeup is a powerful way to effectively reveal something unique about your inner self."

There you have it.  Power, respect, and instant self-confidence with a splash of makeup.  You are on your way to success. 

Hope your week is going well!

"You are exceptional, a leader, a formidable woman who is making a difference daily in your life. Embrace the beauty within you.  You are worth it." 

Until Next Time,


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