Whiplash (2014): J.K. Simmons, Miles Teller, Paul Reiser
Explosive! Extraordinary! Unforgettable! "There are no two words in the English language more harmful than "good job". - Terrace Fletcher Whiplash is a headstrong film that literally entrances the audience from start to finish. The film theme surrounds a young man, Andrew Neiman (Miles Teller), an ambitious jazz drummer student at the prestigious New York conservatory of music with an extraordinary musical gift who becomes entrenched in a personal war with Terrence Fletcher (J.K.Simmons) a hardcore and often sadistic teacher. The struggle of egos between the two is downright mesmerizing as Fletcher's goal is to find someone to play the drums at the highest level possible (Charlie Parker-like) in the music industry. The task is almost impossible and the rigors inflicted on the students and especially Neiman are brutal and cringe worthy. It reminds the audience that being the finest of anyth...