
Showing posts from August, 2013

Two Guns (2013): Denzel Washington, Mark Wahlberg, Paula Patton, Edward James Olmos

Take two top movie stars  Mark Wahlberg as Michael "Stig" Stigman and award winning Denzel Washington as Robert "Bobby" Trench to devise a witty, semi violent (not all the bloody gore of some violent films) smartly developed with a twisted plot that is somewhat comical yet surprisingly works.  Two Guns, is the perfect happy summer movie, similar to summer books that are read at the beach for pleasure.  In other words, this isn't a film that is a work of art destined for an Oscar or a film preaching to the choir about social injustices.  Instead this action packed film combined with witty banter by these two dynamo's that is refreshingly pure entertainment. Wahlberg , Stig and Washington , Bobby, are tough jock-like criminals or so the audience believes on a mission to infiltrate a drug cartel.  They overtake a bank that holds Mexican drug kingpin Papi Greco's ( Edward James Olmos ) money onl...

Sorority Rush - Conversation and What to Wear!

It is that time of year when young ladies are sent off to college for rush recruitment in the Greek system at local universities across the country.  Rush is where the house active members are recruiting new members similar to an interview for a job or going on a date.  In the state of Washington, Washington State University (WSU)  rush begins on August 10th until August 18th.  And, the University of Washington (UW)  rush begins on September 6th until September 13th.  Recently, as a Chi Omega , Area Recruitment Information Chair, I have had the pleasure and honor of helping three amazing young women - two attending WSU and one attending UW.   Besides helping them with resumes and connections - their number one question is "What do I talk about and what do I wear for Rush?"   First of all, let's clear the air about sororities.  Sororities are a lifelong commitment where a group of intelligent, savvy and...