
Showing posts from January, 2018

Pink Pretty for February

Think Pink 2018 Pink is a gorgeous hue set to charm hearts and make Valentines day and beyond a swirl of happiness.  When the "powers at be" paint the world as topsy turvy, when recent films are disappointingly mean spirited, and when the weather is a bit dark and dreary it is just time to lavish oneself in a spot of pink.  Anything pink exudes cheeriness, abundance and beauty.  Hope, happiness, manners and love are bound to make the world a better place.   So, indulge and get started by sporting a pop of pretty in pink for sparkle and shine.  Think positive, be positive, become a positive role model and do not for any reason accept or succumb to repugnant words or behavior in film, in news or in person.  This is your time.  Shower yourself with pink, walk tall, smile and keep on moving away from those caught up in the negative.  "The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity...

Kendra Scott - Jewels

"A Girls Best Friend"  Jewelry is equated to icing on a cake or a finale to a play or the ending of a scintillating novel. In other words, an outfit is just not complete without a dab of bling.   Whether wearing jeans, sporting work out gear, getting ready for work, an evening out or absolutely anything, a bauble of jewels is a necessity.  Or course, it is a juggling act because too many jewels makes one appear a bit desperate for attention.  You know the person, they walk into a room and everything from head to toe is sparkling and wiggling so that all is seen are the multitudes of  jewels rather than them.  The well dressed are always sporting minimal jewels.  Check out Golden Globes 75th - Fashion Highlights   for ideas from the red carpet.   The right amount is essential. Just what is the right amount?  Well, here are a few Forever Chic Style  rules at your fingertips: Basic Rules:  Wear either ...

Golden Globes 75th - Fashion Highlights

Time's Up, Television, Movie's Fashion! "Be a Warrior" - Oprah Winfrey Big Little Lies (HBO) Stole the Show  The 75th Golden Globes soiree was held on Sunday, January 7, 2017, with Seth Meyers hosting at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.  The primary focus of the event was on the  Time's Up protest supporting Hollywood's anti-sexual harassment movement rather than just film.    Time's Up is an effort to raise money for legal defense fund for victims of sexual harassment in the workplace. After the good riddance of Harvey Weinstein and many others with sordid behaviors in the movie industry, it was moment to move forward with a new expectation on how humans conduct themselves in all workforce arenas.  Everyone was encouraged to wear black advocating solidarity for all that have been abused, silenced by discrimination or harassment.   Meyers was witty and Oprah Winfrey, recipient of the Cecil B. DeMille award, render...

2018 Fresh Start - Apparel

New Beginnings, New Chapter The New Year of 2018 has opened with promise, hope and a fresh chapter in life.  The beginning of a new year for me is always anticipated with upbeat enthusiasm.  There are adventures to be had, unknown challenges and joys to behold and embrace.   Many after the holidays feel sadness with the completion of the whirlwind holiday month of December.  The chaos, gift giving, visiting friends, dealing with families, enjoying winter vacations has been finalized for another year.  Often in January the weather can be dreary, which in turn can send people down the rabbit hole.   Yet, even Alice in Alice in Wonderland found the astonishment of each day and was ready to accept a spot of tea and a new page in life with vigor.  It is a glorious beginning even when it is raining, snowing and dark out. These are the days to grasp creativity and to focus on self rather than others.   While you are bu...