Pink Pretty for February

Think Pink 2018 Pink is a gorgeous hue set to charm hearts and make Valentines day and beyond a swirl of happiness. When the "powers at be" paint the world as topsy turvy, when recent films are disappointingly mean spirited, and when the weather is a bit dark and dreary it is just time to lavish oneself in a spot of pink. Anything pink exudes cheeriness, abundance and beauty. Hope, happiness, manners and love are bound to make the world a better place. So, indulge and get started by sporting a pop of pretty in pink for sparkle and shine. Think positive, be positive, become a positive role model and do not for any reason accept or succumb to repugnant words or behavior in film, in news or in person. This is your time. Shower yourself with pink, walk tall, smile and keep on moving away from those caught up in the negative. "The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity...