
Showing posts from August, 2015

Kate Spade - Fall 2015 - Apparel & Readers

Coats, Skirts, Satchels, Loafers & Readers Oh My!      Fall 2015 is definitely on the way with the trees leaves beginning to turn ravishing red and a glorious yellow while the rain falls and sun comes out between the storms.   Mothers are rapidly organizing children's clothes, pencils, backpacks and so much more for school and secretly sighing with relief.  And, a chill vibrates through the air as summer dissipates.   However, Fall 2015 is indeed an Audreyesq year with warm coats, skirts, satchels, loafers and readers.  The classic ladylike beauty is ever so popular.  Recently, overseeing a tennis meeting, this wrist broken (from tennis in June) yet recovering writer whipped out Kate Spade readers which are wonderfully crafted and very chic.  Oohh's and Aahh's ensued with friends examining my readers and others clicking away on iPhone's to Nordstrom online website. Over the years, my collection of Kate Spa...

Movies - Top Five Fav's - Summer 2015

"Let Me Entertain You!"      Summer 2015 refreshingly released a number of flicks with incredible sets, actors and memorable scripts.  Hollywood is on a roll with summer enjoyment for the moviegoer.  Here are the top five favorite movies by this Forever Chic Style writer.   Added in will be a splattering of apparel for an evening out at the cinema. The Top Five       Can you believe this is Tilda Swinton as Dianna - A crazed magazine editor!  Makeup and Hair Make Quite a Difference!       V. Fifth Fav - Trainwreck (2015) - Amy Schumer; Bill Hader :   Written by funny gal Amy Schumer and directed by Judd Apatow guarantees a fun time at the theater. The  story is about Amy who was told as a little girl that monogamy isn't probable or possible by her father, Colin Quinn .  Now as an adult, and a magazine writer, she is a trainwreck when it comes to rel...

How to Color, Create, Relax at Summers End

Summer's March to Finale Is it okay to relax? Why yes - it is imperative!      The crazy days of summer are winding down with a drop of rain here or there or once blue skies suddenly filled with more pillowy clouds floating down yonder.   With efforts to squeeze in last minute vacations, camping, swimming, gardening or driving madly comes a time to state "enough" and unwind and relax.   In an age, where chaos and activities reign supreme it is forgotten how to find ways of filling the soul with simple pleasures.   There is a movement in the land to stop and smell the roses, to stop running around like a chicken and to stop catering to everyone dancing around with agendas and instead take a minute, look back towards childhood and play a bit.  Turn off the cell phone, let children entertain each other or let the last minute piece of work wait until tomorrow.  Here are the top five ways to relax for the end of summer and...