Wallets on a Chain - The Perfect Solution!
The Grocery Store Shop What's for Dinner???? We all love this question? Don't we? Ha! Less is Best! Have you been wondering about what kind of handbag to use on your jaunts to the grocery store or pharmacy? A tote or bulky handbag is completely out of the question. You are already wearing a mask maybe latex gloves and would prefer to have your hands free. Therefore a huge handbag or cross body will get in the way of your efforts. It is advisable to not leave your handbag in the cart either though we have all known this for ages. The germs are everywhere and theft is always a possibility. When you are ready to pay, you will want to access your cards, iPhone quickly and efficiently without searching at the bottom of a monstrously filled handbag. I have tried carrying cards in a coat pocket which works though lipstick, car fob, hand sanitizer and sunglasses are also jammed into other pockets. This is rather a jol...