Road to Infinite Possibilities

You're the Pilot

Finding Your Inner Self, Life Intention and Joy

"Gratitude places you in the energy field of plenitude.  Glow with gratitude and see how awe and joy will make their home in you." Michael Benard Beckwith

Self-created inner peace, calm and joy is developed by those who chose to find it.  It becomes the core of who they are and shines wherever they go or when they speak and act. 

The avenue to finding personal intention in life with joy is a constant struggle.  Especially with a steady vibration of negative noise at our fingertips emanating from the news, pundits, and self proclaimed sage advisers. Unfortunately, all news organizations have become pedantic, dismal, scream fests and darkly disturbing.  Most of the country continues to be on lock down and has flattened the curve.  The primary focus beyond the ramifications of the deadly virus is the challenge of lost jobs, hard earned retirements, recreational activities, connection to others and personal daily experiences.

Consequences of Covid 19 Virus

Are you Confused Yet?  I am!

In order to save our mental health and way of life we need to open the country up SLOWLY.  This month Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee are taking the first step.  Make no mistake no matter where you open there is a chance the virus will activate.  Or it may dissipate.

Apparently, April is Australia's September (like our September) and the Covid 19 cases currently remain flat.  All eyes are watching this country.  If the numbers in Australia remain low and begin to spike from June through November, then the virus might be slated as a seasonal flu.  Or the Covid 19 virus may not revive at all.  We are at the early stages of the outcome with the Covid 19 virus.  One important suggestion is to get your flu shot to support your health. I did this last year.  The next round of Covid 19 in the United States, if it happens in the fall, will not be the same as now.  We will have better containment.

Another possible consideration in play is that a plethora of states do not use public transportation to commute to work nor live in apartments on top of one another.  This vast country of 330M people have a variety of living scenarios and one way of life does not fit all.  Perhaps those locales will fare better than the dense urban areas if it reappears.

All confusing.  Lost indeed.

Do Not be a Karen

"Congratulations on your ability to create drama out of absolutely nothing." 

Do we want to become a sea of Karen's reporting on our neighbors and family if they are not following a Karen's self-decided rules?  Of course, everyone is following each state and goverment rules but what if you personally think they were not?   Do you nark?  Isn't this the sidewalk to destruction of a society by becoming a Karen?  Karen's are those who shame others making themselves feel good about who they are and confirms their lifestyle choice. By the way when I was growing up being a nark was frowned upon. In fact, you were shamed and ridiculed.

We must remain positive, be accountable and responsible plus know that one day quality testing will be here and a vaccine in the foreseeable future.  Let us be sources of light rather than darkness.

The Good News

"The good news time flies. The good news is you're the pilot." 

We have willing and actively sheltered in place to lessen the spread and to help hospitals and healthcare workers become better prepared to handle virus victims. We are blessed and thankful to all of them.  The extra hospitals built across the country were never fully utilized, which is great news. The Navy ship USNS Comfort based in New York harbor is being moved back to its home port in Virginia and will be put in use when needed. Other good news is that there are major companies working quickly on manufacturing necessities, building ventilators, actively testing, vaccines and therapeutics that would help someone infected with Covid 19.

Businesses around our great country are coming together and in the end isn't this what we want - come together as a collective as one - to defeat an enemy.  However, waiting indefinitely for a certifiable test or tests to verify our well-being is up for debate.  To date many have had the virus and tested negative yet were positive.  Who is to say a new test would have the correct verdict?   And, even if you are tested and it comes out negative you could get it the next week.

In the meantime, we are all living through an extraordinary time in the history of the planet.  We will continue to follow the use of masks, washing hands, social distancing protocol because it makes sense and works.  On the other hand, allowing people to reach a boiling point is foul play. Instead providing suggested guidelines to the elderly, infirm and those with medical conditions while protecting the health care workers is a wise solution to opening the states.   Let the rest of the country go back to what they do best - their lives.

Those Spreading the Good Life

The bottom line it is a difficult time and adapting and change is a challenge and exciting all at once.  I wrote about the adapting and change in my last post - Little House on the Prairie - Minimalist Lifestyle.   Keep up the positive view even with clouds swirling.   The sun is everywhere - you just need to tap into it.

Road of Positive Vibrations, Joy and Intention

"You become what you believe. Not what you wish or want. But what you truly believe." Oprah

Alas thankfully there are those making a difference by pinpointing ways to find our personal joy and life intention.   Oprah is one of them who constantly is upbeat and sharing wonderful thoughts, books and ideas.  This last weekend Oprah on SuperSoul Sunday,  April 19, 2020 interviewed, DR. Michael Benard Beckwith a New Thought minister and founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Beverly Hills, California

I had never watched SuperSoul Sunday before and absolutely was riveted to Beckwith's message on finding your intention, being open and unfolding who you are on this planet.   The reason why I saw it was because I had watched Oprah make dinner the night before at her house on Facebook with music and a glass of wine.  My iPad automatically opened to her site on Facebook on Sunday morning.  With tea in hand I was ready to listen. Listen indeed I did and was moved emotionally.  An immensely powerful overview of what your life could be and can be if you become open to the universe and believe.

SuperSoul Sunday is a daytime series on OWN that delivers insight and inspiration from renowned thought leaders.  The power of Beckwith's message in finding peace, love and understanding we are all connected and that our journey has infinite possibilities.  We need to listen, be open to the universe, gain wisdom, meditate, and pray to a higher being.  His story and teachings are based on Jesus Christ though he incorporates all religions, faiths, and nationalities.  As a former agnostic, his voice and message are thought provoking and magnificent.  As a result, I ordered his book,  Life Visioning, A Transformative Process for Activating Your Unique Gifts and Highest Potential which Oprah had in her hands as she interviewed him.  The book was well worn.

For the entire interview on Facebook - Oprah - SuperSoul Sunday with Dr. Michael Benton Beckwith

Become a Creative Genius 

Spreading Good News

"Creativity is intelligence having fun."  Albert Einstein

Another person bringing joy is John Krasinski who developed, SGN, Some Good News from his house.  Creativity is coming from everyone with their eyes open to possibilities.  He didn't have to create this enlightening news beat about the heroes on the front line from his home.  Yet, he did.   I highly encourage you to watch them all.

The latest version is especially poignant with a segment about prom this year.  Loved it.

Demi's Painting Party

"Family is anyone who loves you unconditionally." 

"When we have each other we have everything." 

Demi Moore, Bruce Willis, and family also have been brightening our days with their posts on Instagram.

Giving Back to Your Community

Paisley's Dream

The Store - Free Year-Round Groceries

2005 12th Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee
The Store:

How about Brad and Kimberly Williams Paisley with The Store, which provides free food to those who need it year-round. The Store is in Nashville, Tennessee and is currently providing curbside pickups and delivery to 65 and older.  The idea was inspired from a visit to the Unity Shoppe in Santa Barbara, California which has been serving the community for 100 years.  Paisley's took this idea home and teamed with Belmont University and Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee.

"As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands -- one for helping yourself, the other for helping others." - Audrey Hepburn

Let us embrace this time and become a pilot vibrating joyous energy and creativity.  Open our eyes to new ideas, new beginnings,and new ways of life.  Listen closely and see the signs.  We are in this together so supporting one another is imperative. Do not let the naysayers, doomsayers, and the angry hold you back from being the best you.  A person with intention, joy, and infinite possibilities for your journey on this road of life.

Pray for the sick. Pray for your family and friends. Pray for humanity.   

God Bless You!


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