Manners - A Lost Art
"Manners are the sensitive awareness of the feeling of others, if you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use." Emily Post First of let me be clear about my mantra. I love fashion. I love art. I love books. I love movies. I love critical thinking. I love intelligence. I cherish being kind, connecting with others, acting with grace, acknowledging we are not alone, my actions matter, they count and to listen to others. When I do something, it affects other people. Everyone I am friends in this life is on this page of moral ethics. Life is too short to live as if you are the only one in existence. After two years of the deathly and scary Covid 19 pandemic , our world has an endless sea of narcistic and wired individuals. What is "wired"? Those with their heads down while they strut with ear pods and eyes glued to smartphones and or sitting at computers. They are virtually unaware of their surroundings. Each day, there i