Kindness Movement - Happiest of Holidays

The Most Important Gift of All This Holiday Season:


The gifts are wrapped, cookies are baked, holiday meals planned and get together's are organized.  During this season whether you are Christian, Jewish, Muslim or any other religion or belief you partake in - are you a person showing kindness and faith?  I recently began watching The Crown (Netflix), third season, and it is by far the best season to date. The acting is superb, story line is well crafted and overall mesmerizing.  Learning kindness and empathy seems to be at the core of the show.  For instance, Queen Elizabeth has to learn to be kind and to feel the depth of humanity's loss and pain. She must also accept that Princess Margaret, her younger sister, can live wildly, say anything whereas she must be calmer, colder, thoughtful with words and often perceived as dull. After all, she is the Queen and a leader of the Commonwealth. Her strength, fortitude and character must always be intact.  However, the human condition always seeps through the cracks and jealousy was rampant between the sisters.  They must find acceptance of their roles and appreciate one another differences.

On the flip side, Prince Phillip must learn to accept his mother who suffered from schizophrenia and feel the pain within him for the loss of a childhood.  Indeed the main characters needed to be reminded that to be kind and sympathetic rather than self focused. To look within and remember we are all human and the human condition remains very much at the forefront of everyone's life.  Jealousy, hate, lust, sloth, greed continually bubble over in every family and for that matter in every situation known to man.  Those that struggle or suffer in their youth usually grow up to be extremely successful.  Or when in the show the Americans landed on the moon in 1969, Prince Phillip was in awe of them, which we all were then and now.  He believed what they did was extraordinary whereas his accomplishments in the public arena seemed small and worthless.  Surprisingly, when he met the astronauts, he learned that they (Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin) were more enthralled with him and his life than their landing on the moon.  Thus, man is always comparing and doesn't realize what they have until often too late. The Crown is touching many cornerstones of daily life for everyone which can cause us to pause and reflect on our own lives. It is indeed a marvel.  Which brings me to my point - are you being kind?  Are you present and listening to others? Are you asking questions and getting to know them?  Are you positive?   Do you bring good cheer? Are you accepting of differences?  Or are you waiting to do all the talking? 

I believe in our world today there is plethora of negative energy and fake positioning which is the opposite of The Kindness Movement.   At a holiday party, I heard the following, "I am getting off of social media because all I see are my friends staging how perfect their lives are with photos.  And, of course, we all know they are not."  Fake.  Or the constant barrage of media in many forms that is ugly and hateful.  Thus, causing all sorts of heated conversations where no one is going to change their stance.  All about winning and not critical thinking.  All about hate.   I always say that those spouting negative energy is a reflection unto themselves.  Many will wonder why are you so unhappy?  You have so much?  You confuse me?  You may travel, eat well, have shelter, money and live nicely yet seem so unhappy?   Are you missing meaning in your life?  Are you not connected?  Do you feel you are missing out?   At this same party, someone said, "We can't control what is happening. Thus, live your life the best you can." So why play into propaganda meant only to agitate and which ultimately devolves into emptiness for the person spewing negative energy.  No one is listening especially during a time of bliss. 

Kindness is a skill.  It must be learned and you can try.  I wrote about The Kindness Movement several months ago.  Since then I have heard the word "kindness" being bantered around by many celebrities in a positions of communication to millions. People are tired of the negative thus kindness is at the forefront.  I, like, Prince Phillip, needed to recognize my own mothers failings and should have tried to be kinder.  Though there are no "should's" in life just choices.  It was hard for me and often I failed.  This is my first Christmas without her.  And, though her life was challenging, I can only hope and pray that she has found peace and contentment.  Maybe for me, like Prince Phillip, I can forgive myself  for not being kinder to my mother because I didn't understand her pain fully.    What I am trying to say is don't wait until someone is gone to be gentle, to be understanding and to be loving.   Force yourself to try.  Accept choices and be a survivor.   Don't throw in the towel and rather step up to the plate of life and play ball. Don't let others berate you, just listen and be kind. Don't be selfish and overly self focused.  Let people fail too.  You can only learn from failing and not allowing others to fail is indeed unfortunate and unkind.  Let go of the negative energy bombarding everyday life.  Be a person of faith, love and kindness. Become empathetic and listen to all.

Take the role of kindness to your heart.  Reach out to everyone you meet.  Be kind, be gentle, be honest and realize YOU yes YOU are lucky to be alive and live in the greatest of times.  You are blessed.  

I wish you all the merriest of holidays and beyond.  May you find peace, joy, love, friendship and happiness with your life.  Enjoy the lights, festivities, gifts given with family and friends abound.

Special thank you to all who follow Forever Chic Style.  

Happy Holidays! And, Merry Christmas!

Until Next Time!  Be Kind. Be a Light. Be Thoughtful.

Love, Kim


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