Summer Hot Pants

Whimsical, Colorful and Exhibiting Bee Power!

Are you ready? Do you have your party pants that are lively and filled with mischievous fun?  Or white jeans that signal I am ready for the summer months?  Lately, I noticed that the fashion magazines are a wee bit absent of glorious hues on their slick covers.  I was rather dismayed as they arrived at my house.  Like a bee, I wasn't attracted to the covers and if seen in store I would have passed them by.  Their black and white motifs were rather mundane and similar to forlorn newsprint.  I am thinking perhaps the Editor in Chiefs from the various rags got together and stated let's all have our covers be absent of glorious summery hues.  Yet, why be so morose? Like a bee, I wasn't too keen on perusing these magazines because they were not attractive to the eye.  Seriously, note all the beauty swirling around daily in a kaleidoscope of good and vivid cheer. It is glorious outside with the green trees, flowers blooming, water sparkling, sun shining or leaves glistening with rain.  Bees see glorious hues - so why can't we also partake in magnificent color magic?

Magazine Covers - "Rather Dull in Composition Dear Chap!"

Previous Months - Jewel Toned Joyous 

While you are seeking out your favorite pair of hues hot pants, take a moment and notice how the bees move from dazzling flower to flower for nectar.  They seek out color with ultraviolet vision versus we see color based upon how the pigment is absorbed and reflects light.  Nobel Price-winning scientist Karl von Frisch proved that bees can see color.  The colors of the flowers target the nectar.  I just finished a page turning summer book, Flight Patterns, by Karen White which incorporated the flight of bees, and beekeeping in the background of this fictional story.  My curiosity of bees was peaked and I have begun to notice bees and how they fly from flower to flower with such enthusiasm and determination.  After all, bees are seeking out color so why are we not doing the same?  Additionally, did you know that 90 percent of grown crops depend on bee pollination?   If we did not have bees, apples, blueberries, cherries, avocados, onions, grapefruit, oranges and pumpkins would disappear? Fascinating...Right. 

Thus, drape your summer world in bright and colorful tones of joy.  Sure, black and white is also fresh yet add in a pair of red earrings or something shocking peaking interest.  Think like a bee seeking out fresh color rather than draping yourself in the same ole same ole apparel.  Have a little amusement in your life. After all, this isn't a dress rehearsal and you are your own director to the greatest play in the world - your life.

PS:  Clothes do matter!

"The keeping of bees is like the direction of sunlight"  Henry David Thoreau

Code Red

Bees Knees it Red!:  Cherry red jeans is bound to make the day a passionate and cheery success!

AG Farrah High Waist Ankle Skinny

Veronica Beard Brook Crop Jeans

"The keeping of bees is like the direction of sunbeams"  Henry David Thoreau


Flower Bee Power

Bzzzzzz Floral Madness:  Floral jeans can be so bee amusing paired with white or coordinating colors.  Feel the world sparkle a brighter during daily appointments or meetings.  Be bee brilliant sporting a flower bouquet.

7 For All Mankind - The Ankle Skinny Jeans

7 For All Mankind Floral-Print Ankle Skinny Jeans

7 For all Mankind High-Rise Ankle Skinny Jeans Floral Print with Raw Hem

7 For All Mankind Floral Embroidered Ankle Skinny Jeans

"Life is a flower for which love is the honey" Victor Hugo


Pink Profusion

Pretty in Bee-Honey Pink:  A pair of pink jeans are magical and whimsical for the summer weather.  You can't go south without a special pick me up pink in your wardrobe. 

Current/Elliott The Ultra High Waist Ankle Skinny

Not a Big Fan of Raw Hems....Just Saying.  Bought a Pair Myself...

Paige Hoxton Skinny Leg Ankle Jeans with Raw Hem

"Bees see colors in the ultraviolet range that humans cannot. Some flowers have colored maps like little runways to show the bees where to land.  Humans are blind to these special markings, but the bees see them." Ned Bloodworth's Beekeeper's Journal

Summer will officially arrive in just a few days.  Be sure to start wearing vivid tints that make you feel alive and self confident.  Think like a bee looking for the brightest, the prettiest and the warmest of summer hues to mix into your day.  Don't let the dull, the average, the bland of colors swarm your home or life.  The world is exotic, exciting and filled with charm and grace all around. Don't shut your eyes and see just newsprint and the ugliness of mankind.  Instead fill the spaces with magnificent colors and continue on as a busy bee.   And, yes, please respect the bees buzzing around you.  They are magnificent creatures and essential to our incredible life.

Happy Busy Beeeeeeee Shopping! 

Forever Chic Style by Kim Hardwick


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