White Dresses
The Little White Frock
Photo by ShengGeng Lin on Unsplash
"Summer sundresses. Cool, calm, and collected" Kim Hardwick
Summer has arrived early in the Pacific Northwest. The temperature has been soaring in the 90's, which is not typical for this time of year. We have skipped spring and are sailing straight into summer. Of course, this means, out come the sundresses, shorts, bathing suits and anything that keeps you cool, calm and collected. For us in the Northwest, summer heat is always a blessing after months of soggy rain. However, we are hurriedly searching and uncovering our apparel that has been put away until now. The appropriate attire keeps us refreshed as we partake in the golden rays and decadent hues of our surroundings. Anyone who is from the Northwest knows that when the sun shines our world is a cosmic wheel of blues, greens, floral touches, and absolute stunning beauty.
Recently, I have noticed fashionistas are wearing summer white dresses that are feminine and comfortable. Nothing figure-fitting tight during a sunlit heat stretch. No, indeed. Linen is the perfect option. White dresses make a statement this summer season.
Your Summer White
Lauren Ralph Lauren Linen Fit & Flare
Lauren Ralph Lauren Women's Eyelet Embroidered Linen Dress
Note: Belt not included
Lauren Ralph Lauren Women's Belted Linen Wrap-Style Dress
Appreciate the summer heat. Where white and be refreshed.
I'm in love with this beauty as well. https://www.nordstrom.com/s/sleeveless-tweed-shift-dress/7321102?country=US¤cy=USD&utm_content=40626304544&utm_term=aud-1024039079033:pla-489690539020&utm_channel=low_nd_shopping_lia&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=664982305&adpos=&creative=140939618877&device=c&matchtype=&network=g&acctid=21700000001689570&dskeywordid=92700049880642590&lid=92700049880642590&ds_s_kwgid=58700005465929522&ds_s_inventory_feed_id=97700000007631122&dsproductgroupid=489690539020&product_id=6929108&merchid=1243147&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=local&storeid=1&locationid=9052182&targetid=aud-1024039079033:pla-489690539020&campaignid=664982305&adgroupid=40626304544&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmZejBhC_ARIsAGhCqnfDWOkqT9CHh8dqBFeJfoiP6UxTUachTLtCmyZcUb2IU7Q5PAsLyHUaAg6bEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading!!! And, adding more dresses.
DeleteAlso this one on sale!! https://www.nordstrom.com/s/nalatia-shirred-silk-crpe-de-chine-a-line-dress/7178015?origin=keywordsearch-personalizedsort&breadcrumb=Home%2FAll%20Results&color=100
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading. Love sales too!
DeleteCommenting again because I wasn't logged in. Love these two dresses as well! https://www.nordstrom.com/s/nalatia-shirred-silk-crpe-de-chine-a-line-dress/7178015?origin=keywordsearch-personalizedsort&breadcrumb=Home%2FAll%20Results&color=100
Thanks for reading and for more white dresses!!! Happy Summer!!