Yellow - Color of Joy


Centerstage Once Again

Shades of yellow are at the forefront this spring and summer.  The sunny hue adds a playful vibe when you are wearing this glory color.  Over the last few years yellow has been on point as the color of choice and causes quite a show stopping stir.  For instance, if you are a fan of the Housewives of Beverly Hills, (2022), you will have recently seen Lisa Rinna in a gorgeous bright yellow suit during Harry Hamlin, husband, 70th birthday party.   She outshone every cast member in this yellow ensemble with a yellow blouse and scarf to boot. 

More importantly, we need more yellow hues surrounding us now more than ever.  Joy.  We need joy, positive energy, good vibrations, and love.  After all the ugliness, unbearable and unimaginable evil in the world, we need love and goodness.  Put down the swords of hate, my way or the highway, and stop the mantras of no morals, no standards and no regard for the human condition.  We must come together and seek out societal norms and expectations. Without a society built on accountability, responsibility, expectations and a respect for self and others, we as a collective have nothing.  Furthermore, do not lie.  Everyone can see through deception.   Today, Johnny Depp, won his defamation case against Amber Heard.  A sad affair with ugliness on both sides, yet truth always prevails.  Be responsible and live a life of integrity. 

We need to reach out and maybe spreading happiness through a vivid yellow hue can help.  At least for our own mental health.  Healing begins with each of us.  

Of course, I personally checked out my yellow apparel stash and began searching online for anything that screamed a yellow must.  Before you start clicking away, be sure to check out your own closet.  You may find you have a bit of yellow on board already. 

Few Joy-Filled Pieces


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Alice & Oliva

There we have it.  Sprinkle liquid gold into your life and to others.  The sunshine hue will brighten our moods and help to make our worlds a better place.  Be joyous, spread kindness and love.  After all, what else is there in this life.  Be the person who makes a difference. 

That's a Wrap!

Until Next Time,


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