Positive Vibes


Spring is Coming

"Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you." - Mary Lou Retton

February, a new month of hope, love and joy is upon us.  Time is flying by and hopefully you are enjoying the changes in the air.  We can feel spring is fast approaching.  With the sun shining, daffodils coming forth, all signaling fresh opportunities. We just need to "see" the doors open and take the road less traveled.  It is easy to get caught up in a negative whirlwind or listen to those living in fear.  Instead, seek out positive energy.  The best way to start is to be a leader in sharing a positive vibe.    

Think of successful people who no matter what happens find the exceptional in any event.  For instance, my tennis team lost all three courts last Friday.  We could have been angry, stomped off and headed straight home blaming ourselves for the shots that were missed.  Instead, we got in the car, and went back to our club for a smoothie. We laughed afterwards and enjoyed our friendships.  After all, even with a loss, we were able to celebrate and fill the air with belly laughter.  Do not worry we were masked and vaccinated.  It was just nice to connect and cherish our moment. We all walked away feeling better about our tennis match.  Because in the end, tennis is about friendships. 

There are only two ways to review any situation.  The first is to find the positive and second is to choose unhappiness.  Many of my friends, including me, and most likely you, have had a few unpleasant moments over the last two years. How could you not! This is completely understandable though if you are lucky, you have found a way to start on a different path in finding contentment, connection, and happiness.  We know material things are not the answer.  Instead, the richness in life, comes from those we surround ourselves with on a daily basis.  Even furry little creatures who give unconditional love. 

Henry - The Extraordinary Cat

"The universe is always speaking to us...sending us little messages, causing coincidences, serendipities, reminding us to stop, to look around and to believe in something more." -  Nancy Thayer

My point is remembering the good along the journey of life.  Even when it is painful.  Sadly, last week, we put down my 13-year-old cat, Henry.  He was very sick.  We were upset, saddened, grieved, and miss him immensely. Our three-year-old, cat, Gracie is also mourning his loss.  Henry was her constant companion.  However, we are all adjusting and relishing the joy that Henry brought daily.  He was our guard kitty with a big personality.  On the day of my tennis match, feeling bereft, I looked up into the sky and saw an H created by airplanes contrails.  For me, it was a sign that Henry was fine.  The universe spoke and I believe Henry is content with his sister, Anna, who passed away four years ago. 

Anna & Henry

We choose love.  I chose positive vibes.  It is a choice.  Make your life extraordinary.  Spread love and reach out to others.   Do not forget to love your pets too. 

That's a Wrap!

Until Next Time,


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