"It's Complicated." - Queen Elizabeth II

Kindness Movement Reigns

"The biggest royal star is the Queen - followed by her son and heir Prince Charles and then his eldest son and heir Prince William.  They are the constitutional future of the Monarchy, not Meghan and Harry." Piers Morgan

Has the world gone mad? Did Alice go down the rabbit hole and is stuck in a wonderland where the central figure is her? The "All About Me" movement is at an all time high.  It is sad, terrible and at the center of so much these days.  The loss of manners, etiquette, respect for institutions or elders are gone with the blustery winter wind.  Instead the following mantra's litter every media form:

"My opinion is the only opinion."
 "My way or the highway."
"I am right and you are wrong."
 "No need to be a critical thinker after all I know everything already."
  "Curious? Why would I be?"  

Since when do any of us think that we are truly above it all, more intelligent and better than their fellow man?   Why are so many trying to control others? Are their lives perfect?  Or are they empty vessels because travel, fine foods, three homes, frocks and suits doesn't foster kindness to others?  The consumption of  material goods has taken priority ten fold over cherishing family, supporting and fostering friendships or championing fellow peers.  It is an interesting time indeed.  However, do not worry because there are many who chose to not to live the "All about Me" mantra.  After all, one must carry on and and find the silver lining.  If you are the curious sort, read everything, listen and can see through the tea leaves, one will find positive shades of kindness everywhere.

The Rogue Royals - Pray for Them!

$3.8M Renovation of Frogmore; $1M in clothes; $43K Babymoon; $65K on Nursery; $500K maternity clothing, $14M mansion.....$1M in security for country they reside. Will they hurt of money?  Never.   They will be moving into the realm of of the Kardashians? Welcome to America celebrity, reality television, print and tabloids. Long live the new celebrities!

Of course, the tipping point this week, after the world political issues, was the chaotic behavior of the rogue royals putting themselves first before a 1200 year old institution of rules, tradition, expectations and shocking the people.  Every tabloid, newspaper and press outlet around the globe reported the disturbing tale of not meeting or telling Queen Elizabeth II, grandmother and mother in many ways, first by stating "We are quitting the royal life".  Instead the abdication bombshell exploded before everyone's eyes.  It is a sad day when the Queen's orders aren't respected and instead a rash or perhaps calculated decision is foretold without using proper channels.  And, then when one flies back to Canada and doesn't take the brunt of the consequences in person one is even more deeply saddened.  No matter how this plays out there will be repercussions that will last the rest of the rogue royal days.  The "all about me"  or "I will not be ignored!" movement has struck these two between the eyes and has caused great trauma for the Queen, the family and disbelief in the world at large.  This was the greatest fairy tale of our time and now has turned into dust. 

Now, to be fair, I can't even imagine what it was like to be a part of the royal machine.  I love reading about the royal history and am a great fan.  We know that Princess Diana had her share of heartache not only with the position but personally as well.  She struggled with bulimia, insecurity, divorced parents, a fraught marriage and who knows the other challenges that she overcame and dealt with in her short life.  It is also well known that anyone in a place of privilege and in the public eye will continually be berated by the press or tabloids.  Even when you have power or are a leader of any sort the public loves to crucify you.  And, it is hard to have a thick skin especially in our world today with social media at everyone's fingertips.  Why even  Brad Pitt joked this week that every time he stands next to a woman the press or tabloids state he has a new girlfriend. In other words, one needs to be able to turn off the ugliness.  And, perhaps very few of us could.

Fear not, Queen Elizabeth II, has reigned with a powerful hand for 63 years and is quite skilled  dealing with far more worrisome and troublesome issues.  There could be a greater plan behind the scenes because of this Shakespearean debacle by helping to streamline the consequences of royals when they leave "the firm." A thoughtful plan is indeed in play.  They may be able to split their time but the tax ramifications are huge and using their titles for profit is suspect.  Moreover, no need to worry about the rogue royals as  they will be surrounded by the Hollywood power brokers, celebrities and politicians with a mouth piece.  Initially yes.  Eventually the blush will fade and something new will take its place.  When the  glow mutes will the move be worth it? For zillions of money? For your sanity? Maybe, though piles of money doesn't always make one happy.  Will there be regret of the loss of family, friends and royal lifestyle?  You were once someone that hoards greeted and admired around the world. You lived in castles and walked among the world elite. You gave your time to the poor, the needy and stood for tradition.  Reminds me of the final scene in the movie, Finding Dory (2016), when they ended up in the river in plastic bags.   They said, "Now what?"

However, don't fret readers, from the monarchy's standpoint, the crown will remain intact by carefully reducing the monarchy.  God Bless!  Live long and prosper to all.  There is always a positive way to see the world.   Life is indeed filled with Shakespearean plots.  As for the rogue royals they will live a celebrity life quite the opposite of being a royal and thrive.

Kindness - Opposite of - All About Me!

Golden Globes 2020

There were two other events this past week that demonstrated the opposite of the "All about Me Movement".  Thank goodness.  First, the Golden Globes 2020, had acceptance speeches that were moving and reflected kindness, support of others and recognizing those that helped them get where they are today.  The thespians at the top of their game took years and years of hard work with connections and the ability to play well with others.   Yes, nothing comes easy in this life. You have to put effort, work and long hours into anything that is successful.  Be grateful to those around you, helping you and guiding you.  If you have to work late or weekends decide to embrace it when you are young.  This is the time.  Now, is the time.  All the fruits of your labor are better left to another day in the future.  For more on the Golden Globes 2020, read Golden Globes Review 2020

Australian Bushfires

Finally, the Australian bushfires have touched everyone across all continents. The photos of devastation and loss of 500M animals is devastating.  Many are donating millions and smaller amounts to help.   The people in Australia are physically saving koala's and other animals with their bare hands.  Or planes dropping carrots and potatoes for the starving animals.  The outpouring of help, fire fighters from the United States and those taking extraordinary measures are indeed admired.  The kindness, helpfulness and the constant reminder that we are not alone is evident when a real crisis makes the scene.

Let's hope and pray that the days of the "All about Me" movement slowly dies off.    Let's bring back the art of kindness.  Let's have respect for order and rules. Let's respect those that help us along the way.  Let's create change that is good for all and not just for self.  Let's do it politely. The world is always shifting and we can as a one think of better ways to exist.

We need kindness, respect, honor and a strong work ethic.  There is no free ride to fame, fortune or anything else you are creating.  It is hard work.  And, along the way, you must respect those who build you up or lend a helping hand.  We must try harder, we must unite together and we must learn to be objective.  We must try.   I am willing.  Are you?

Be Kind. Be a Light. Be Thoughtful.

Cheers, Kim


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