Just Go with It! Grace & Gratefulness
The Party Keeps on Going!
Are you Ready to Step Up in 2019?
The holiday is over and a new dawn has come. The packages wrapped in a bow have been opened under the Christmas tree and are sorted with care. Now is the time to either keep or return the gift given with love. And, yet before we ponder the shopping spree ahead we need to step back and remember what is at the core of the holiday season. For me it is always a whirlwind month with seeing friends, going to parties, enjoying our friends at dinner and being thankful for my family. However, one cannot control the outcome of any given event or for that matter any person. My bet is many of you had unplanned "moments" that reminded you how silly it is to expect perfection or to demand someone believe or act like you. Here is my soulful reflection.
The holiday was swimmingly delightful. Seriously, I love being with friends and enjoying the holiday fair. The month is truly magical. Yet, three "moments" reminded me of the importance of the holiday.
First instance - The PARTY: I had my annual ornament exchange and in came mother winter with a wind storm that knocked out our power. Did I cancel? No! Absolutely not. My friends and I surrounded ourselves with candles, lanterns, food, laughter and love. The party was the best because we didn't vetch or moan and instead created an event to be remembered through the ages. My 1800's party was a smash hit.
Second instance - THE FAMILY - Christmas Eve was relaxing and fun. Christmas morning was beautiful with the tree lit, cinnamon rolls baking while opening gifts with my loved husband. We missed our daughter this year but knew she is was on whirlwind adventure. Change is always with us. At about 10:00 a.m. I decided to check my phone, which for me is often at the bottom of my handbag. Why? Well, I have always had issues with my mother who currently resides in a nursing home. Sadly, the holidays have never been a happy time for her. I digress. So, I checked my phone only to find several urgent calls. We ended up in the emergency ward for Christmas and made the best of it. The staff was amazing, caring, qualified and shared the gift of compassion to us and my mother. I spoke to my brothers several times preparing for the worse. The procedure was a success and my mother is fine. There is a bit of irony in this event because my mother tends to ruin all holidays. This one could not be helped but 57 years of heartache on the holiday bubbled over in me. We had canceled our evening plans and were a bit bereft. I missed the point - didn't I! Compassion and being willing to change at a moments notice. I failed unlike the night of my holiday party. Life is always a journey of tests. This was my mother for goodness sake. We are all happy she is okay.
Third instance - SELFISH BEHAVIOR or Rudeness - The day after Christmas we were able to reschedule and go to the movies as previously planned for Christmas Day. Aquaman is a must see and is thoroughly entertaining. When seated at our normal spot in the bar, we are regulars, we heard the story of Christmas Day from the staff. The theater which serves food and drink in cushy chairs was overwhelmed with people. Everything had gone wrong with the dishwasher failing and food running out. Apparently, many people were angry and yelling at the staff as if they were servants. They were swearing and had forgotten the importance of Christmas. Of course, there were many who did not and "just went with it". They sat and watched the movie without food or drink and left handsome tips. Why? It was Christmas and they had compassion for those working on this special day.
They say everything comes in threes. And, for me this holiday it did indeed. What did I learn? You have to be willing to "just go with it". You cannot control your life, your family, your friends, the universe, the country or anything else that makes you angry or upset. Bottom line, you have very little control. Thus, learning the art of being grateful, enjoying the small things and stepping up when needed with grace is essential. Life is a journey and it can be joyous and happy. Turn off the negative, turn off the jealousy of others, turn off those that slander verbally even if in jest and instead fill your life with light and love. The choice is yours. Let the art of grace be the standard bearer a role model, be kind, be thoughtful, be a noticer of life and learn to be easy. If looking for an illustration, swim across the pond towards the royal family. Royals are taught from birth to be representatives for all, to be attentive and to keep jealousy and bad behavior hidden especially if next in line to the thrown. Of course, they are not perfect but the standard is set with demanded protocol. This year both Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex were told by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles to be jovial and light in the public on Christmas and to let their differences remain private. They did this with grace and created respect in the public eye. Perhaps their example on the world stage can be a precedent to ourselves and for our leaders past and present. Name calling and making fun of others is childish and only reflective of the person saying them. Again, embody grace, be grateful and most importantly be prepared for the unexpected and just go with it.
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