Bracelet's - The Circle of Life

Add Fairy Dust, Hope & Love

Fall is a Glorious Time

With the changing of the seasons, fall apparel and jewelry take center stage.  The time has come once again to store summer shorts, tee shirts and bring out sweaters, boots and so much more.  However, jewelry always remains in style and constant. Recently while out and about I stumbled upon several gorgeous bracelets. Bracelets either alone or stacked add fairy dust and happiness to any outfit.  I started thinking about the shape of a bracelet and perhaps how it could be symbol for hope and love.  The circle shape of a simple bracelet in gold, silver or any hue reminds me of the circle of life.  And, the circle of life is love.  Today, when the world is topsy turvy, emotions are high, selfishness is paramount sprinkled with greed, lust and envy it is pertinent to wear something that reflects the meaning of life.  A circle embodies the journey that all of us are blessed and lucky to partake.  Instead of filling the soul with hate, the mind with rage, and the body with anger why not fill it with love, strength, and hope for our fellow man?  It is indeed sad when humankind destroys, picks, judges and demands change when facts are few, listening is absent and one is completely unwilling to understand another.  Listening is powerful, yet listening means understanding and understanding means that you might disagree with the answer. And, love means learning to disagree without anger.  I have been pondering this thought and reflecting on the history of worthy nations that fell from grace for their insistence in forgoing love and instead embraced the tenants of evil. Or of relationships where people want to control others for their own benefit and gain.  Instead of examining their hearts for answers or facing their own pain it is much easier to attack, criticize, to take from than to accept another human beings decision.  Controlling others or listening without empathy, ignoring facts is a nothing new and has been apart of the human condition since the beginning of time.  It is pattern.  And, in mankind's history as with friendships judging and destroying others caused and causes great chaos with friends and formidable nations therefore leaving immeasurable and horrific stains never to be forgotten.

Do You Control, Ignore or Listen and Love? 

Perhaps donning a bracelet of two or three, can help spread love, hope, happiness and a reminder that a circle represents your life from start to finish.  Do you want to spend everyday wallowing in hate and anger towards people that you have no say or control over?  To those who have differing opinions or thoughts? Your own adamant thoughts and opinions can cloud judgement and lesson the opportunity to reach out with love.  The ability to see both sides, understand facts, or emotions and then clearly make a decision is called critical thinking.  If you put your head in the ground and state "I am right and you are wrong" then you will suffer the consequences of a lack in connection to others. Thus you will become increasingly isolated and lonely with anger and hate overtaking your own heart.  You will feel not heard because you didn't try or even want too.  It is a vicious cycle.  When one believes that their way is the only way then they have fallen into the trap of mankind which throughout history destroyed nations and their people.  Power corrupts. Power can be evil. And, ultimately control of another individual is an infantile illusion.

Your Life, Your Choice. Who Do You Want to Be? 

Who do you want to be? It is your journey.  Your decision and your choice.  Which road will you follow? The one less traveled or the one filled with everyone stating the same mantra without sufficient thought, reflection, listening and facts?  The choice is yours.  The world is not black and white, right or wrong.  It is instead filled with many shades of grey.  We must pray for those that are victimized, those who live in pain and we must seek to bring us all together with loving hands.

A Circle, A Bracelet

A bracelet symbolizes love, eternity, strength and light.  Show the world love, be the essences of love, and look for the good.   Of course, have an opinion but remember you are not omnipotent.  Not the final word of another's life or path.  You are not living it.  You cannot be that person. You cannot walk in their shoes. You cannot judge.  Do not relish destruction, hate and anger for another.  Because if you do you are only destroying yourself by hanging onto all that is unworthy about being a human. Negative energy begets a negative life.   Love is the message of the circle.  The circle of life is love.  And a pretty bracelet is a daily reminder of love or so I would like to think it is in my world.

Kate Spade

Glamourous sparkle and light.  Stack them.  Silver, Rose Gold and Gold

kate spade new yorks sailors knot

kate spade new york do the twist

Alexis Bittar

Alex Bitter

Alexis Bittar Golden Studded Hinge Bracelet

Let your fairy dust shine on.  Pray for those in pain, suffering and in need.  Forgive and love.  Wear your circle with joy. 

Kim Hardwick - Forever Chic Style


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