Happy New Year - 2021
A New Chapter
"Cheers to the new year and another chance for us to get it right."- Oprah Winfrey
The end of the year fast approaches. It has been a roller coaster ride for everyone. The virus, lockdowns, tragic deaths, national election, and other elements caused for a turbulent and unforgettable year. One we will never forget. Some say this is the worst year in our history surpassing the depression of the 1930's, September 11th and various Wars.
Perhaps this is so because our country and the entire world shut down at various points. Even today, lock downs exist, virus is on the rise and vaccines are being administered. We will never forget last Spring and Summer when eerie photos of empty streets filled the newswires, epic violence occurred and of course endless news about the benevolent virus. However, we continue onward. We eagerly move forward to a fresh beginning. We wash away 2020 and start anew with a clean slate filled with possibility, hope and peace for everyone.
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. IT DOES" - William James
With Forever Chic Style, I have morphed my blog into providing inspirational messages along with fashion. In the last year, I felt it was time to mix it up a bit though in reality the message remains consistent. My motto is taking care of yourself mentally and physically, take time each day to dress for success, wear your makeup for you and most of all continue to smile. Living in sweats, no makeup and lack of exercise does not boost your self-confidence nor bring joy or self-respect. Get outside and walk. Along the way, give back with a helping hand, live with high standards and do not hurt others with words or actions.
Additionally, the primary lesson we learned in 2020 was anger over the unknown spread to others is a path to nowhere. Ranting, yelling, screaming, destroying, agitating, and inflicting harm only hurts one person - the person who does it. It is not the high ground of life. It is not the way to live or love. Nor does it bring happiness and peace. It only inflicts pain.
The Road Less Traveled - Kindness, Helping Hand
"Two roads diverged in the wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost
What Was
Many with the influx of social media or reality television had become self-absorbed and narcissistic putting self, material goods and accumulation of "stuff" above all else. Many lost their way. Perhaps, 2020 was the year to wake everyone up from selfish slumbers. Wake up and know that money, material goods, pretentiousness declarations only leads to one path - a path of loneliness and insecurity.
Where We Can Go
Thus, perhaps it is essential to select a less selfish path to reverse strategy and walk the road less traveled. Take on a Forever Chic Style - Audrey Hepburn approach of spreading kindness and warmth. And realize that family and friends are the most important connection rather than consumption or pontification. Hopefully, you know who your close friends are that have your back no matter what. They always support you.
Accept Change
Everything changed this year dramatically. Our holidays were different. Friends have gotten sick. We have lost loved ones. And others were and are suffering. Some of my friends this year, are experiencing incredible loss or fighting for their lives. The journey of life is filled with many joys, many tears, and many hopes. Change is at the essence of living. Acceptance brings peace and strength to live another day with grace.
Goal for 2021 - Helping Hands
"As you grow older you realize you have two hands. One for helping yourself, and the other for helping others." - Audrey Hepburn
My goal for 2021 is to bring happiness, reflection, and contentment through written and verbal communication with a twist of fashion looped in. To help us find our way back to what matters. The phone call, the reaching out, the helping hand when needed, the connection to friends from every part of our lives. Recently, I spoke to several friends over the phone or via texting from my past. We were reminded how important our friendships were and are in our lives. For that matter, we will always come together to help someone suffering. This is what we do. This is what matters in life.
Wash Away
"So take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again." - Frank Sinatra
The year 2020 stopped us and brought us to our knees. With eyes wide open, we learned what life really means. In life, we are a collective, we need others in our lives, we need people, we need the comradery. We are social creatures not meant to live alone or to be isolated. A life well lived is one filled with humanity. We know this now beyond a shadow of a doubt.
If you have been angry over what you cannot control, let it go. Let it go. Demand better for yourself. Stand tall, walk with grace, and speak words of kindness. Kindness. Think kindly, speak, kindly and spread goodwill.
Wash away the past, live in the present and look forward to the future.
The Gift of Life
Lastly, remember each day is a gift. A beautiful and glorious gift to you and for others. Your life matters and affects many. Try each day to reach out to someone. Ask how they are doing. Give a smile. Make your life the best it can be in 2021.
May you have a Happy New Year. May your dreams come true. May you find peace and love in 2021.
Happy New Year
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