Love is the Way - Inspiration

Light Among Clouds

Natures Tipping Point - Thin Line Between Order and Chaos

Being optimistic and positive when billowing storms continue to rock humanity around the world is often arduous.   It is heartbreaking.   We have had months of "sheltering in place" for a worldwide pandemic causing angst, fear, loss, tragedy, confusion, frustration, anger, and pain.  Of course, as previously noted, jobs, livelihoods, rent, schooling, food, and shelter have been difficult to maintain.  Even with the stimulus payments, people want to get back to their lives, their dreams and their hopes for a better tomorrow. 

The latest development is the horror of destruction, desecration and looting this week.  The tragic death of George Floyd was abominable, and all humanity agree.  Justice must and will prevail. The peaceful protesters were a necessity and emoted valid concerns that need to be addressed and amended.  However, the agitators laced among the protesters wreaked havoc towards businesses and landmarks.  Thus, creating a state of chaos.  

The Love Road

It is easy to hate and difficult to love.   Blame, hate, and anger go hand in hand ready to strike with viciousness.  The negative energy of hate can take a toll on those consumed by the venom.  When speaking about what is disliked, who is hated, a good question to ask is "What is loved?" "Who is liked?" "Do you love yourself?" "Do you like yourself?"  The road to to hate is easy and the path to love is difficult.  Love of humanity is the road less traveled. 

"No one is born to hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background or religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes naturally to the human heart than its opposite." - Nelson Mandela

Love Thy Neighbor

Joy, Peace, Acceptance, Peace & Contentment

Each day have a goal to reach out to one person.  Whether it is a friend, co-worker, neighbor, family member or maybe a store clerk the effect is rewarding.   Extend a positive demeanor, listen, understand and be there for them during this trying time.  The human link between us is strong and remembering to send a text, card or speak can mean so much to both parties.  Even a short walk with a friend can brighten the day.  Blessed are we who share our lives with others and theirs with us.  

"Love is the purest form of a soul at peace." - Matthew Donnelly 

Reading is Understanding

Read About the Human Condition - Knowledge is Power 

History books whether non-fiction or historical fiction depict places, tragedies with heartache and love woven between the pages.  We are always searching for love and peace.  We can find it daily. In the small things around us. The snail on a leaf, the birds singing, the flowers blooming, the smiles from strangers, the chat with a neighbor and the cuddle from a beloved pet.  Love, life, and peace are everywhere. Be present and see. Continue the path of understanding history.  Open a book, read, or listen on audio, open your eyes, be present and recognize life stories, strife and challenges of humanity through written words. 

As a result, notice all the love around you. Make it a mission daily to spread joy. See the child within everyone before reacting.  See their pain.  Give them love.  We all have a story.  Read. Read. Read.  A heart will burst with knowledge that everyone needs and wants love. 

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." - Dalia Lama

Nature's Way to Love


Family, friends require a daily watering of love to grow, blossom and to become something beautiful. What if you do not have supporters who surround you with security, strength, and love?  Some will dance in the wind flying from one port to another choosing paths that may lead to despair.  

Realize that difficult and ugly circumstances happen to everyone. It is the ebb and flow of nature.  Think about the Loggerhead turtle who is bit by a shark and loses part of her shell yet carries on and survives.  We have the survival instinct and are driven towards it daily.  Dig deep and seek out people who can be role models to inspire and lead.  It takes a village to raise a child.  Choose friends and hold on tight.  Natures instinct always knows right from wrong.  You can feel it.  Stay away from people who want to keep you down in their bucket when you crawl out. 

They want to feel better about themselves and superior by keeping you in place. They themselves might be afraid to do what you are doing.  Keep crawling, start walking tall and don't look back.  Keep going.  Dream big, keep head held high and visualize your path.  Make affirmations daily of your goals and dreams. See yourself as you are and not what others tell you are.  Do not give up. Never give up. See it. Believe it.  Make it happen.  In the meantime, select a new family made up of friends who love you no matter what.  They see the best in you.  They see your inner you.  They believe in you. 

"Listen to your inner voice: Surround yourself with loving and nurturing people. Fall in love with your art and find yourself." Music is a great communicator." Glenn Hughes

Love - It's a New Day

It is a new day, a new dawn and a new beginning.  Every day is a gift and how we share ourselves to others in the world can bring joy to our souls.   We are living through an extraordinary time in history.  A period that will never be forgotten.  To stand together during the outbreak of the virus shows our empathy and concerns for our fellow man.  To stand together for the injustices to fellow human beings who have been damaged by the pain of others reflects heartfelt understanding.  To stand together and seek out change is important and seared in our hearts.   It is a new day, a new dawn and a new beginning.  

Love is the answer.  Love has always been the answer.  Love.

"Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrate walls to arrive to destination of hope." - Maya Angelou

I choose to see the beauty. 
God Bless,


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