Yellow Sunshine

Symbol of Optimism & Hope

"When life gives you lemons make lemonade" 

Yellow is the color that takes your breath away.  It sings happiness, joy, creativity, analytical and original thought.  It is the hue in various shades that warms the soul on cold day.   The greatest energy booster is of course the glorious sun shining brightly in sky.  Life sparkles when the sun is out in its full glory.

Summer is fast approaching, and the sunshine has been anticipated and received.  I like many have been partaking in the yellow orb heat.  Of course, keeping distance between each other while delighting in the liquid gold.   

Why Yellow? Why Now? 

"How wonderful the color yellow is.  It stands for the sun" Vincent Van Gogh

As stated in a previous post, I have been enjoying the six part The Beach House trilogy by Mary Alice Monroe.  The stories take place off the coast of South Carolina on the Isle of Palm and in Charleston.  The books have heartwarming, sizzling dramas with the main characters weaved throughout, love affairs combined with endless beach, marsh, wildlife, ocean waves and the Loggerhead turtles.  Yellow primroses cover the beach and surround the beloved yellow cottage beach house aptly called the yellow primrose cottage in the series.   Thus, my obsession with yellow and the yearly turtles who come ashore to bury lay their eggs after Memorial Day and throughout the summer. 

Yellow is also the hue of lemons, tennis balls and school buses because it is the most visible of all colors.  It is the happy hue.  Yellow can also be thought of as a hue of fear, caution signs, being called a coward or an object of poor quality.  Living in a state of fear is unhealthy both physically and mentally. 

State of Positive

"A negative mind will never give you a positive life" 

In the trilogy, I have learned facts about the Loggerhead turtles and nature. For instance, hatchlings are only 3 inches long when born.  They rise out of the sand in the cool of the night, pushing to the top crawling over each other like a rising elevator and then race off towards the ocean.  There are usually around a hundred hatchlings. The obstacles are prominent from the hungry sand crabs, birds to the light of the houses at night sending them the opposite way.  Instinct guides them by the light of the moon even when cloudy.  (Remember there are Turtle Team volunteers that help guide them to the ocean. If the nest is not marked or found before birth they are on their own and facing challenges.) Once they hit the waves they must swim 50 miles to the Gulf of Mexico to live in the sargassum algae to hide from predators, thrive and grow.  Imagine being only 3 inches and having to swim 50 miles after leaving the nest?  Incredible.  Approximately only one in  a thousand lives.  Do they live in fear?  The odds are stacked against them, yet they follow nature's instinct and intuition. 

Or how about the fact that The Milky Way has between 200B and 400B stars and approximately 50B planets.   My point is that life is mysterious, and we are just a tiny spec in the grand scheme of the universe.  The idea of waking up each day and being fearful is indeed not an option.  At least for me.  I will be informed, be cautious but will not live in fear. 

Yellow Magic

"Courage is knowing what not to fear" Plato

Life is indeed a gift, a mystery and majestic.  Yellow reminds me of  being optimistic when change is occurring.  To find the beauty, the amazement and the wonder of everything around.  We are a part of a unique tapestry.  This tapestry of life and who you surround yourself is something I became aware of in my twenties.  At the time, I worked for a company called, The Pacific Institute, a non-profit motivational company ran by Lou and Diane Tice.  Tice's teachings inspired positive energy, goal setting through the power of thought.  We learned the power of affirmations, positive thinking, visualization, how to go around the rock in the road plus a marvel of other brilliant ideas from intelligent minds around the world.  We held conferences for companies across the United States.  The company employees at The Pacific Institute were leaders in the Seattle area including Vince Lombardi Jr., Betty Tisdale, Tony Buzan and the list goes on. Pete Carroll, Seattle Seahawks Football coach is a longtime student of Tice's teaching.   

Why bring this up? Yellow screams positive energy and hopefully is a part of your unique tapestry of friends that you have in your life.  Keeping our minds filled hope, light and contentment can help through any difficult period.  

Additionally, what you actively think about, listen to or read, hear your inner critique, how you treat others, what you say top yourself and following your tuition will form your destiny. Your subconscious is powerful as is your conscious state.  Thus, if you think with a positive mind, work hard, visualize the outcome, have faith and a kind heart you can achieve anything.  It is your choice and you are in the driver's seat. 

Yellow Celebration - Flower Child Wear Yellow!

"Just the color yellow makes me smile"

 A few fashion pieces to celebrate the glorious color yellow and you. 

Tory Burch Howell Chevron Sneakers - All Leather!

Frame Cloud Collection Le Crop Mini Boot High Waist Raw Hem Jeans

ATM Anthony Thomas Melillo Slub V-Neck Tee

"Yellow is not for the woman who blends in with the crowd.  It is for one who isn't afraid to pursue happiness, adventure, clarity."  

Until Next Time


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