August - "Dog Days" of Summer

Summertime - Time Out 

The Harried Life

August is the final gasp of summer fun.  Many run from one activity to another and perhaps never really enjoy the moment or beauty that summer parades upon the land. We live in a time when social media exposes a charmed world of perfection though most likely not the real narrative.  Of course, highlighting places to hike, to swim, showcasing family get together's or presenting the latest and greatest is always appreciated.

The idea of just relaxing with a good book for hours is far from people's minds.   Instead "running" from here to there is paramount in a harried fashion which in itself has become a sport to be documented on social media. What has become of "doing nothing" for a spell? The art of less and not documenting is indeed rare.  Are you missing out?  Did you ever think you were missing out on something fabulous before the advent of the "here I am" in public photos? No.  It is so important to learn the art of relaxation and taking a time out.  In fact, it is essential for both the mind, body and spirit.  All great ideas and innovations are formed from practicing the "art of doing nada".  Ask anyone who has developed a successful business. Where did the idea come from?  What is "doing nothing" you ask? Well, sit outside on a deck and watch the world around for an hour.  Or lay in the grass and stare at the sky. Do you remember those days?  If not - try it for the first time.   Maybe it is reading a real book with pages rather than on a device, or having a glass of wine and reflecting with gratefulness about the day. Anything that allows the mind to wander.  Time is of the essence - spend it on you and take a time out in August before the mayhem of Fall is upon the great land. 

  1. Take a break.
  2. Turn off the news.  All is propaganda to promote products, negativity and demand an irrational sense of fear.   Remember someone somewhere is pushing these speaking points for a reason rather than wanting the masses to use critical thinking.  Read history - notice the same story over and and over again. Nothing new folks. 
  3. Sit and relax.
  4. Do something new that enhances thought without running around like a chicken.
  5. Read a book.  A book with pages for pleasure. 
  6. Sit outside, take in the view, pet the cat or dog. 
  7. Visit with friends. 
  8. Have a meal with friends. 
  9. Or an intimate cocktail party. 
  10. Put the devices away for a special break just for you. 

Don't Forget Your Hat


 Think of Others

In the land of hare and not the tortoise thinking of others is perhaps at the bottom of list.  There is a demand or desire to focus on ones own needs rather than understand another persons challenges.   The advent of social media makes the world appear of diamonds and roses as it should.  Why would we want to see or hear the worse?  Yet, when having an actual cell phone conversation with someone all ends up never is as it appears on the endless flat screens at our fingertips.  Remember  Brad Pitt in Burn After Reading (2008) stating,  "Appearances can be deceiving."  Such a great line and often times true. This doesn't mean one needs to float into the world of negativity and sadness. No, never - just be aware of someone's circumstances.  Or reach out for no particular reason.    Take a moment and step back and think of someone else today.

  1. Call close friends now and then.  The human voice is connecting. 
  2. Be aware of others needs or issues and adjust yours accordingly.
  3. Don't flaunt or gloat about material objects, projects or money.  It is boorish.  Think old money instead nouveau riche. 
  4. Be understated in words and actions. 
  5. If using social media as a business tool - remember to like others projects etc., rather than only promoting self projects.   The old adage what goes around comes around applies heavily. 
  6. Laugh more.
  7. Smile more.
  8. Don't rush in traffic.  Let someone pass you. 
  9. Seek contentment by noticing others and world at large. 
  10. Most importantly, be grateful for today. 

 Don't Forget Your Lipstick

Charlotte Tilbury Hot Lips - Pink

Slow down you move to fast you got to make the morning last.  Remember this song? And, think of others for a moment rather than self.  Be selfless rather than selfish.  You can do it.  Smile, laugh often and take in the last few days of summer with poise and grace.

Next Up - The Eclipse!   

Until Next Time
Kim Hardwick - Forever Chic Style


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