Kate Spade - iPhone 6 & 6s Covers - Spring & Summer 2016

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"Hello it's Me" 

Constant Quick Communication

Hear the endless roar of conversation anywhere, everywhere and all the time.  The Charlie Brown's teacher "wah, waaah, wah"  is ever known on a daily basis interrupting the world at large with texts, calls, bells, songs and whistles.  The end result is a world of constant noise.  It is no wonder many choose to live in the woods where quiet is quiet at the end of the day or play tennis and if a phone goes off during play a penalty point or frowns abound from other courts.  By the way, a player never answers during a point or between points and instead lets the call go into the ether. Perhaps a swimming pool or ocean swim is another quiet calm. One can only chuckle and imagine a hand rising up protecting the plastic cover shell as a fashionista bobs up and down in the waves keeping the signal alive.   All and all though - the iPhone is a must and without its quick verbal and written communication of who, what and where the world becomes less connected and less knowledgeable.   After all email has almost become a dinosaur. Thus, the constant quick is essential.   However at the same time being present and aware in groups with others is often tricky when the phone is placed within reach.  Since the tech phone is thoroughly modern and essential - lets examine Kate Spade's iPhone Covers for Spring and Summer 2016.  And, while perusing these beauties a few etiquette lessons must ensue. 

Yellow - Sunny Yellow

"Madam, Please Put the Phone Away"

I.  Yellow Sunshine - Jeweled Daisy:  Looking for a liquid sunshine? Search no more with this sunshine drenched cover case and a daisy bedecked in jewels with a tiny bee for inspiration and remembering to always be present.  The cover is utterly charming.

Bee Present - Sharpen Listening Skills

*Cell Etiquette Tip - Bee Present:  When meeting for coffee, sitting at a table with friends or family - keep the iPhone in handbag, pocket or sunny side up on the table.  Turn off the sound and focus on the loved ones around.  Keep present and wear a watch for time rather than looking at the iPhone which then ends up searching texts along other goodies that lead to distraction.   A fashionista never wants to miss out or say "What? What did you say?" 

"To go out with the setting sun on an empty beach is to truly embrace your solitude" - Jeanne Moreau


Maui, Cabo, Beach and Sand

Stop Talking - Public Places - Stop Talking Please

II.  Dreaming of Vaca?:  Sun, sand, beach, turtles, shells, chaise lounge, pool, and so much more.  Vacation is a must for an on the go fashion maven juggling job, work, children, home life, family and other obligations that fill lists upon list of action items.  Every life is a sea of noise and often a respite of pure beach bliss is top of mind.  This palm leaf number will ensure a vacation is in the works for summertime.

Charlie Brown Teacher Syndrome

*Cell Etiquette Tip - Speaking on Cell Loudly in Public:  When laying out on a beach, in a grocery line, walking on the neighborhood street or sitting at a cafe - do not talk on the cell in public.  It is rude, annoying and just not that interesting or respectful to be a blow horn in front of strangers about nothing because to them a loud conversation into a cell phone is disturbing. Instead find a private spot to complete a call.  Also, start smiling, observing and talking to the the world around rather than blathering on the cell. 

"In the end we only regret the chances we did not take"


The World Under the Sea

Just Google It - Learning at Fingertips

III.  Instant Learning About World - Google It:  Keeping abreast of the latest news or discovering answers to the environment, animals, sea creatures, history etc.,  or just watching a funny video among others guarantees an evolving mind.  The sparkling seahorse piece represents the ocean, living creatures, sand, sunshine and learning all detailed in a vivid blue ocean.

Learning Creates Knowledge and Self Confidence

*Cell Etiquette Tip:  Just Google it!  How often when sitting with friends or family does something come up where no one knows the answer?  Why often!   It is fortunate that at the fingertips the iPhone solves any challenge with instant knowledge and results.   So - if in a group and all agree to see a funny video, solve a problem with a click then by all means do it.  The group consensus of phone usage and connection is paramount adding brilliance of mind and humor along the way.

"I'm happiest when floating in the sea" 


"I scream - YOU scream - WE all scream for Ice Cream!"

Driving - Put the Cell Phone Away - Repeat - Put the Cell Phone Away!

IV.  YUM - Ice Cream Delight:  Ice cream is always enjoyed alone and without interruption because the focus is laser sharp and never scattered.  The joy is in tasting every drop until the ice cream cone is deliciously gone.   The pretty in pink cover is a reminder to revel in the moment, experience the taste and keep the focus clear and concise.  Yes, this cell cone cover is fun and ultimately a joyous object.

*Cell Etiquette Tip - Never While Driving! While driving remove the cell phone from sight.  Place it in the bottom of a handbag and connect through Bluetooth.  There are so many accidents and deaths today because a maven decided to answer a text or call rather than watching the road and fellow drivers.  Therefore, do not even think about connecting on the phone.  Of course, use as a GPS (plan accordingly or pull over to start) and of course answer or not answer Bluetooth calls. Seriously, there is no reason to text or look at the phone when driving with hands on the wheel.   Use Bluetooth and forget the rest.  After all - must we always be that connected?  Instead live in the moment, enjoy the scenery, passengers and remain focused at the task at hand!  Carpe Diem!  

"Shoes are like ice cream. There is always room for more"


Oh My - Phone Calls, Texts, Photos, Video's Fashion and Shopping!

Purchase Quickly & Reference Quickly

V. Pretty Purchases - Useful Tool for Shopping:  The iPhone is the superior gadget for obtaining groceries, apparel, photos, recording music, making travel plans or ordering anything needed around the home for family or just for self.  The pale twinkling pink fruit inspired iPhone cover subtly hints at action items to acquire.   Or maybe it is simply pretty piece that is must have in a summer handbag.

*Cell Etiquette Tip - Just Enjoy - Enjoy the usefulness of the iPhone for fashion comparison, documenting events, shopping, making travel connections and maybe purchasing fresh grapefruit.   Don't go broke in the process!

"She who leaves a trail of glitter is not ever forgotten" - Kate Spade

"Hello it's Me"

Forever Chic Style - Kim Hardwick


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