Office Space - Kate Spade

Spice it up for Spring

Do you ever wonder why some people exude self-confidence?  Or why they walk into a room and sparkle?  Perhaps the self assured set the stage at the beginning and end of each day? Do you remember that life is an adventure, a new challenge and  opportunity to spread wings and soar?  Have you seen Caddyshack (1980) and do you recall the line "Be the ball"?   In 2016 be the ball and begin with the right footprint at home, at work or even in your car.   The office or work environment with a savvy work space will definitely add focus and positive energy.   Which designer has cornered the market on fun, zip and zing desk accessories? Drum roll please:  Kate Spade of course.  And, what other office tips and tricks make the art of creation more enjoyable and promote daily self-confidence?  Let's begin with these five Forever Chic Style tips that are bound to impress and set the theater stage in this crazy journey called life. After all each and everyone of you are the directors of your life.

Set the Stage

“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” 

- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

I.  The Work Stage:  The work environment has changed drastically in the last ten years.   In homes an office with privacy is a plus for accomplishing tasks, writing, talking on the cell phone, paying bills and running a business.   Conversely, many companies have open formats with everyone on a main floor sharing space which though unique might just be a room filled with chaos.   It remains to be seen if this work setting truly generates collaboration or is it a room humming with noise and inhibiting critical thinking? Images of sewing factories with loud sounds, rolls of fabric and lots to people moving fill the mind.  This is besides the point and detracts from our mission of getting organized.  It is important to personalize the work space with pieces that inspire and do not clutter.   (No, the cell phone does not create active thinking, problem solving etc.  A new study states that the brain cannot multitask and that the cell phone hinders focus and genius. Best to put away out of sight unless making a call.)   Let's begin by setting up the day organized and ending the day organized no matter where an office is located.  Less clutter calms the mind and offers a fresh start for the next day.   As a result, the juices will flow and energy will spring forth solving problems until gorgeous dusk begins to close the day.  Embrace the darkness on the land and wrap it up in a pretty bow with papers with files organized, pencils placed and lists written etc. After all who wants a cup of coffee from the day before or papers strewn all over the desk at the start of a new day?  Start fresh with everything in its place signaling self confidence for self, respect for fellow peers or family. 

“Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” - Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderland


I. Delightful Basics:  This does not include the laptop, desktop or cell phone which are essential.  Instead liven up a work area with a bit of luxury gold. 


Fun Files



  Sassy Stripes



  Spotlight Stapler



 Golden Tape Dispenser


 Terrific Tackle Box




 “Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”  - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

 The Organizer

II.  The Hand Written: Writing down lists, recording upcoming events by hand actually increases memory of a task or event to be completed or enjoyed.  The connection between the brain and hand is powerful in promoting memory.   Everything is at your fingertips and easy to see at a glance.  Yes, a cell phone, a computer in many different formats, can also organize the day but there is something satisfying about writing out plans for daily, monthly and yearly life.   With a flip of the page everything is in its place for the eye to see, to adjust and to refine.

12 Month Agenda

17 Month - 2016 Calendar


"You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say."  - F. Scott Fitzgerald


A Cup of Jo or a Spot of Tea

III. Coffee, Tea or Water Please:  Imagine getting up everyday in the Hamptons, arriving at an office, getting ready to work or anywhere with a view or purpose and sipping on a strong cup of coffee, tea or ice water in the morning.  You are dressed in your finery and ready to partake in daily activities.  Start the day with a bit of Kate adding to the whimsical beauty of the day.

“Take some more tea," the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly.
"I've had nothing yet," Alice replied in an offended tone, "so I can't take more."
"You mean you can't take less," said the Hatter: "it's very easy to take more than nothing."
"Nobody asked your opinion," said Alice.”  - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


 Doodles, Art, The Creative Mind

IV.  A Creative Break:   Sometimes brightly hued pencils, pens and so much more offer a chance to doodle during a call, use color or just relax a moment or two during a busy day.  Why, even adult coloring books are all the rage right now and are very fun.  In other words, add some flirty flare to your work desk or office space.   The result is a rainbow of inspiration and a calming moment or perhaps a smile.

Pretty in Pens


Coloring Books Adult

“Mad Hatter: “Why is a raven like a writing-desk?”
“Have you guessed the riddle yet?” the Hatter said, turning to Alice again.
“No, I give it up,” Alice replied: “What’s the answer?”
“I haven’t the slightest idea,” said the Hatter”  - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


Finishing Touches

V. Finer Things in Life:  Fill a space with photos, books, flowers, candles and anything that adds charm or interest to a working space.  The result derives pleasure during the tasks at hand. 

Fresh Flowers

 Business Card Holder

Candles for Home Office

Enjoy each day, decorate with style, personality and remember to live each day to the fullest!   Be organized, write down your appointments or notes, set goals and follow the path carved out with  a twist of dazzle, and inspiration.  Great things happen in the quietest of times.  Remember, you can do anything you set your mind out to do.  Never let anyone sway you otherwise.   And, while you are at it - add a Kate Spade to your life.   You will not regret it!

“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.” 

-Lewis Carroll - Alice in Wonderland


Kim Hardwick - Forever Chic Style


  1. Great post! Such a beautiful office inspiration!


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