Coming Soon - Unbroken (2014) - Release Date - Christmas, December 25, 2014 - Jack O'Connell
Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption, by author Laura Hillenbrand, is based on the true story of Louis Zamperini, 97, born on January 26, 1917. This mesmerizing tale is about an incorrigible youth who channeled defiance into running and became a track star in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany. A month later as a B-24 bombardier in WWII, Zamperini finds himself in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on a raft without food for 47 days with sharks circling only then to become a prisoner of war (POW) in a Tokyo, Japan and thus the saga unfolds.
Unbroken, has sold over 2.7 million copies since it was published in November 2010. I am now reading the story and it is riveting. Hillenbrand is also the author of Seabiscuit. The movie Unbroken is based on Zamperini experiences and will be released on Christmas Day, December 25, 2014. It is an inspirational story about never giving up nor giving in but rather to fight for your beliefs and ultimately to survive. Directed by Angelina Jolie with the script written by the Ethan & Joel Coen. This is Louis Zamperini's astonishing story....
Unbroken, has sold over 2.7 million copies since it was published in November 2010. I am now reading the story and it is riveting. Hillenbrand is also the author of Seabiscuit. The movie Unbroken is based on Zamperini experiences and will be released on Christmas Day, December 25, 2014. It is an inspirational story about never giving up nor giving in but rather to fight for your beliefs and ultimately to survive. Directed by Angelina Jolie with the script written by the Ethan & Joel Coen. This is Louis Zamperini's astonishing story....
Text from Laura Hillenbrand's Website
Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand - #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER hailed by TIME magazine as the best nonfiction book of the year. Unbroken has spent more than 125 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, fourteen at number one, and counting. Only five nonfiction books in history have been on the list longer. Winner of the Los Angeles Times Book of the Year Award for Nonfiction.
“STAGGERING … MESMERIZING … Any one of the threads in Hillenbrand’s monumental new book could be a page-turner all its own… Hillenbrand’s writing is so ferociously cinematic, the events she describes so incredible, you don’t dare take your eyes off the page.”–People
On a May afternoon in 1943, an Army Air Forces bomber crashed into the Pacific Ocean and disappeared, leaving only a spray of debris and a slick of oil, gasoline, and blood. Then, on the ocean surface, a face appeared. It was that of a young lieutenant, the plane’s bombardier, who was struggling to a life raft and pulling himself aboard. So began one of the most extraordinary odysseys of the Second World War.
The lieutenant’s name was Louis Zamperini. In boyhood, he’d been a cunning and incorrigible delinquent, breaking into houses, brawling, and fleeing his home to ride the rails. As a teenager, he had channeled his defiance into running, discovering a prodigious talent that had carried him to the Berlin Olympics and within sight of the four-minute mile. But when war had come, the athlete had become an airman, embarking on a journey that led to his doomed flight, a tiny raft, and a drift into the unknown.
Ahead of Zamperini lay thousands of miles of open ocean, leaping sharks, a foundering raft, thirst and starvation, enemy aircraft, and, beyond, a trial even greater. Driven to the limits of endurance, Zamperini would answer desperation with ingenuity; suffering with hope, resolve, and humor; brutality with rebellion. His fate, whether triumph or tragedy, would be suspended on the fraying wire of his will.
In her long-awaited new book, seven years in the making, Laura Hillenbrand writes with the same rich and vivid narrative voice she displayed in her blockbuster bestseller, Seabiscuit. Telling an unforgettable story of a man’s journey into extremity, Unbroken is a testament to the resilience of the human mind, body, and spirit.
Text from Preface - Unbroken
All he could see, in every direction, was water. It was late June 1943. Somewhere on the endless expanse of the Pacific Ocean, Army Air Forces bombardier and Olympic runner Louie Zamperini lay across a small raft, drifting westward. Slumped alongside him was a sergeant, one of his plane's gunners. On a separate raft, tethered to the first, lay another crewman, a gash zigzagging across his forehead. Their bodies, burned by the sun and stained yellow from the raft dye, had withered down to skeletons. Sharks glided in lazy loops around them, dragging their backs along the rafts, waiting.......
Unbroken - The Trailer
"Perseverance is important to everybody."
"Don't give up."
"Don't give in."
"There is always an answer to everything."
"There is always an answer to everything."
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