Django Unchained (2012): Jamie Fox, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel Jackson, Kerry Washington

Django Unchained is a woven tapestry of  spaghetti Western films, other movies and television shows all rolled into one outrageous, entertaining and violent flick.  The acting is unrivaled, script ingenious, music delightfully bold, with good versus evil culminating in the ultimate revenge that is so seductively sweet.  Django Unchained is one of the best films of the year.  Tarentino has done it again.

The story begins two years prior to the Civil War in the deep south where slavery is rampant and the plantation owners rule the land.   Dr. King Schultz, Christoph Waltz poses as a German dentist though in actuality is a bounty hunter where killing the dangerous, twisted and evil is highly profitable.   In searching for the "wanted dead or alive" Brittle brothers, Shultz propositions Django, Jamie Fox, with freedom if recognizing the brothers and subsequently is taught to be a bounty hunter. Django's primary mission is to locate and rescue his wife Broomhilda, Kerry Washington.    Broomhilda is at Candyland in Mississippi at the plantation of Calvin Candie, Leonardo DiCaprio, a twisted and brutal plantation owner.   Stephen, Samuel Jackson, Calvin's right hand man is just as disturbed and diabolical as Candie.

The acting by Waltz is riveting and downright unforgettable.  DiCaprio character is demented and played with smooth talking southern charm combined with dripping venom that chills the bones. The scene at the dinner table with Candie's hand dripping in blood is jaw dropping.   Note:  In filming the scene,  DiCaprio slammed his hand on the table and cut himself on broken glass.  Instead of stopping the scene - he kept going.  Crazy good.  Fox, as Django was great and memorable. Jackson portrayal is scary and pure evil.  There are cameos from Don Johnson, Bruce Dern and many more.

Is the Django Unchained a violent blood bath? Absolutely.  The violence depicts the horror of slavery, the killings in Western films and previous Tarentino films - Inglorious Bastards, Pulp Fiction and Resevoir Dogs. If squeamish in viewing the over the top horrific violent scenes, shut the eyes.   All and all - well played by the actors, well directed and well written by QuentinTarentino. 

Django Unchained - Trailer


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