Moonrise Kingdom (2012): Edward Norton, Bruce Willis, Bill Murray, Kara Hayward, Frances McDormand, Jared Gilman

Moonrise Kingdom is a delightful, quirky and funny film set in 1965.  The film takes place on an island where Suzy, Kara Hayward, is on summer vacation and Sam, Jared Kilman, is at Camp Ivanhoe, where Scout Master Ward, Edward Norton, is the military leader with a big heart.   The plot is about two young children on the cusp of adulthood who experience first love and eagerly set out on an adventure unbeknownst to Suzy's eccentric lawyer speaking parents. Suzy, a serious soul, loves to read adventure books outloud and Sam is a wayward Khaki Scout/Beige, under Ward's military regime, on a mission to be with Suzy using Daniel Boone wilderness skills.  When discovered missing by Ward, Island Policeman, Bruce Willis, Suzy's not in love parents, Walt Bishop, Bill Murray, Laura Bishop, Frances McDormand, all wake up from dysfunctional lives as the wacky story unfolds.

Wes Anderson, director and writer, along with Roman Coppola, of Moonrise Kingdom has done it again!  If a fan of The Royal Tenenbaums, Fantastic Mr. Fox  and The Darjeeling Limited - Moonrise Kingdom aptly reigns amongst these hit films.  The cinematography is simple and a flashback to old style film making, such as A Christmas Story, while including an exemplary well honed comedic script combined with superb acting from a riveting cast.

1950, 1960 and 1970 adolescents will revel in memories of the playing in the woods, going to camp, following the rules, listening to music together, reading books and learning how to become adults and to survive the game of life.   The absence of cell phones, computers, video games, television and Facebook is refreshing and gratifyingly familiar.   Instead children interact with one another, entertain themselves and utimately learn self reliance and independence.

Moonrise Kingdom, is a zany and oddball movie, that warms the heart and is hysterically funny. A must see film that will be watched over and over again for years to come.  There are small cameos from Jason Schwartzman, Harvey Keitel and Tilda Swinton adding extra wit and fun to this absurd yet real montage of a different, yet simpler and perhaps wiser and more creative time period.  So, turn off the cell phone, but away the Ipad and all the other gadgets that fog the brain and enjoy a flashback down memory lane. Perhaps this movie is the start of something....One could only hope.


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